Boltan on Justice Watch: We want justice for all

  • actual
  • 09:49 3 December 2021
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DİYARBAKIR - Participating in the Justice Watch, Hakkı Boltan underlined his son Civan Boltan is a sick prisoner and his life is in danger and told that their demand for justice is for everyone.
Sicp prisoners whose health status is deteriorating day by day, are left for dead while Turkey refuses to release them. The treatment of sick prisoners, whose number exceeds thousands, is blocked on the grounds of the coronavirus pandemic. Caught injured in the clash that broke out in Bingöl on April 24, 2012, Civan Boltan (30) has been held in Bolu Type F High Security Prison for the last 9 years. Boltan lost his left eye due to the "torture and ill-treatment" he suffered while in custody. Boltan was sentenced to aggravated life imprisonment and 95 years in prison for "disrupting the unity of the state and the unity of the country" in the case brought against him at the Diyarbakır 9th High Criminal Court.
Doctors reported that Boltan, who did not have his right arm, lost his sight completely in his left eye and 70 percent in his right eye, and had a piece of shrapnel in his body, there is a medical report about Boltan proving he "cannot stay in prison". However, the Forensic Medicine Institute (ATK) decided otherwise for Boltan, as it did for all other sick prisoners.
Families started a Justice Watch in Diyarbakır Bar Association on November 16, against the impediment of the release and treatment of sick prisoners. Civan Boltan's father, Hakkı Boltan, who took part in the Justice Watch, talked about the health problems of his son and called for the immediate release of all ill prisoners.
Stating that his son, who has been imprisoned for 9 years, still has a piece of shrapnel in his head and his life is in danger, Boltan said, “If the shrapnel in his brain has an effect and he dies, they are responsible. Civan has anemia and it is a very serious disease. In cold places, the situation is even worse.  However Ciban is now held in Bolu Prison. Bolu is a very cold place. They sent him there on purpose so that he would suffer more. He was given aggravated life sentence, along with sentences exceeding years.” Boltan said that the sentence of his son is unlawful.
Stating that they started the Justice Watch for all these unlawfulnesses, Boltan said, “There are deficiencies in the execution and there is discrimination. They don't release those whose sentence has expired on grounds that they still believe in their cause. This is not acceptable. It is neither legal nor humane."  Emphasizing that they will continue the sit in until they get results, Boltan said, “We want the government to hear our demands. They are both torturing the prisoners and their families. How many years have we not seen our children? This situation alone is unlawful. Turkey has been convicted for these unlawfulnesses before. Here we repeat again. We are calling out to all the relatives of the prisoners. Political parties, non-governmental organizations, all institutions and organizations should come and support them. There are multiple crises in Turkey and our demand for justice is for everyone. If this injustice on our children comes to an end, these crises will end."
MA / Eylem Akdağ