How are Bayraktar drones sold to which country?

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  • 16:34 22 November 2021
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NEWS CENTER – Turkey's drone sales and actions are on the world agenda. The killing machines, which are sold especially to countries in conflict and war, are marketed by the government itself. It provides military and economic in-kind and in-cash grants to all countries where drones are sold.
Bayraktar Group, one of Turkey's military-industrial companies, is frequently on the agenda of the domestic and foreign public opinion. President Tayyip Erdoğan is personally marketing the Armed Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (SİHA) Bayraktar TB2, produced by the group headed by his son-in-law Selçuk Bayraktar. Bayraktar drones, which are used in countries experiencing internal conflicts and in interstate war, have also started to be talked about frequently in international relations. Following Russia's warning about the drones sold to Ukraine, Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu said, "Ukraine should not use our name". After the discussions, the resignation of Ukrainian Defense Minister Andriy Taran was reflected in the press. Another warning came from the USA. President of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Democrat Senator Bob Menendez, evaluated Turkey's drone sales as "dangerous, destabilizing, a threat to peace and human rights," and said, "The United States should not be a part of this."
Bayraktar TB2 drones, which are thought to have been sold to Nigeria recently, have been exported to 13 countries so far, and more than 10 countries have been contacted for the marketing of the drones. Especially after the military uprising on July 15, 2016, all of the countries in which the company finds a market are either in a civil war or in conflict with a neighboring state. Even though Turkey has ANKA-S developed by TUSAŞ and Vestel Karayel drones developed by Vestel Defense, Turkish bureaucracy, especially President Erdoğan work like a marketing personnel in all the countries he visits. The biggest customers of Bayraktar drones with purchase guarantee in the domestic market are the Turkish Armed Forces (TAF) and other security units. It is stated that more than 200 drones have been sold to the TAF so far.
Military grants, which were explained with motivations such as "increasing the loyalty" of states in internal conflict and war with other countries to Turkey, providing "international image", "influencing" especially in African countries, and "promoting and modernizing the Turkish military industry", were legitimized within the scope of Law No. 3212. At the same time, drones which are presented as instruments of power in foreign policy, are told to be "domestic and national" and public is tried to be impressed by its sales. Grants,  loans and in-kind and in-cash aids  to the countries recieving the drones are carried out through the Turkish Armed Forces (TAF), the Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TIKA), the Directorate of Religious Affairs and the congregations, sects and associations that cooperate with the government. Turkey also follows a sub-imperial policy with activities such as renting and purchasing land in these countries with which it has relations.
Baykar Defense exported 360 million dollars of drone systems in 2020. Well, how is the marketing of these killing machines done, which countries are buyers, how are they financed, what effect does it have on foreign policy, what kind of balances are prioritised, why are grants donated to the exporting countries before the sale of SİHAs after the grants in question? Is that a coinsidence? After our research, we came to the conclusion that this was not a coincidence. It is seen that there is a link between the aids made through military grants, financial support, cheap loans and social projects and marketed drones.
With the motto of "two states, one nation", Turkey provides grants to Azerbaijan not only militarily, but also in fields such as agriculture, food and health.
In 1992, a military training agreement was signed between Turkey and Azerbaijan for the establishment and training of the Azerbaijani army. In 2005, it signed a grant agreement worth 2.1 million dollars with Azerbaijan.
On March 1, 2001, Turkey donated 3 million USD to the Azerbaijan Armed Forces.
Azerbaijan Defense Minister Sefer Ebiyev, who visited Turkey on April 22, 2011, expressed determination to develop cooperation in the field of military and defense industry.
In July 2012, the "Cooperation in the Field of Plant Protection and Quarantine" agreement was signed between the two countries within the scope of the Azerbaijani visit of the Minister of Food and Agriculture, Mehdi Eker. Eker noted that they support projects related to beekeeping, agriculture, animal husbandry and rural development through TIKA through grants. In this way, Turkey donated 100 thousand boxes of Favipiravir used in the treatment of coronavirus to Azerbaijan.
In 2014, TİKA donated cattle and dairy cattle to 40 families from Azerbaijan.
The Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock donated 500 thousand doses of FMD vaccine to Azerbaijan in 2016.
Azerbaijan Defense Minister Zakir Hasanov said that they discussed the purchase of drones from Turkey and that 200 million TL of financial aid from Turkey would be used for this, and 200 million TL of financial aid was given last year.
Arming Azerbaijan at the same time, Turkey exported $77.1 million in weapons in September.
There are 180 Bayraktar TB2 drones in the inventory of Turkey, Ukraine, Qatar and Azerbaijan.
The Azerbaijani army, which attacked Armenia in Nagorno-Karabakh, gained military superiority with the drones sold by Turkey. President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev praised the drones and said: “The drones shoot well, mashallah. It is good that our brother Turkey has produced these."
Ukraine is one of the countries that Turkey provides the most grant support. At the same time, low-cost loans are also provided to Ukraine, which is supported as a balance of power against Russia. One of the grants came with the statement made by AKP Chairman Tayyip Erdoğan in March 2015, "We have decided to provide 10 million dollars of aid to the Ukrainian government as a grant to be used for the IDPs".
In March 2016, it was announced that a grant of 800,000 dollars of uniforms and military equipment would be made from Turkey to Ukraine. On the same date, during the visit of then Prime Minister Ahmet Davutloğlu to Ukraine, a 50 million dollar loan agreement was signed between the two countries.
The sale of drones between Turkey and Ukraine came to the fore for the first time with the visit of President Volodymyr Zelenskiy to Bayrak in 2019. The final agreements was made in Kiev in October 2019.
Right after that, in a statement made by the  Office of the President of Ukraine in February last year, it was stated that Turkey will give a grant of 200 million TL for the needs of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. In June of the same year, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine announced that it had approved a military-financial cooperation and aid agreement worth 205 million TL. With the said aid, it was stated that a training and maintenance center will be established for drones. In the statement on the website of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy, it was mentioned that the agreement is one of the steps taken for the joint production of drones developed in Turkey. Ukraine, which received 6 drones last year, plans to purchase a total of 48 drones. 
Turkmenistan's Ambassador to Ankara İşankuli Amanlyev thanked Turkey for its international support and assistance, without going into details, at a program he attended in Nevşehir in May 2017.
In August last year, Turkey donated 20 ventilators, 50 thousand N95 masks, 100 thousand surgical masks, 10 thousand overalls and 10 thousand boxes of hydroxychloroquine tablets to Turkmenistan as part of the fight against the coronavirus (Covid-19) epidemic.
In September, 6 Bayraktar TB2s were exported to Turkmenistan.
Tunisia is one of the countries that received Bayraktar drones after a grant. Last year, Turkey gave 5 million dollars aid to Tunisia.
In April, drones were sold to Tunisia. Although there is no official statement regarding the delivery schedule, it has been stated that approximately 50 Tunisian pilots and maintenance personnel will be trained in Ankara. A loan of 200 million dollars is provided to Tunisia by Turkish Eximbank, to be used in the security and defense supplies it will purchase from Turkey.
Morocco is one of the countries Turkey makes monetary donations to. In May 2013, a cash grant of 5 million dollars was given to the Transition Fund established by the World Bank in order to support the economic transformation of 6 countries, including Morocco.
The Royal Moroccan Air Force has ordered 13 Bayraktar TB2 drones from Turkey with an amount of 70 million dollars, which is almost half the price. In this context, the first package of the order was delivered in September.
While the behind-the-scenes of Turkey's big discount for drones has not been revealed to the public yet, crime organization manager Sedat Peker claimed that drones were donated to Morocco.
In September 2014, the Turkish Armed Forces established a military sewing center in Bishkek, the capital of Kyrgyzstan, to meet the uniform needs of the army. In this context, it was noted that the TAF donated 76 modern sewing machines and equipment.
Turkey announced in June that it will provide military and technical assistance to the Kyrgyzstan Ministry of Defense via grants.
Prof. Dr. Cengiz Tomar who works as the Acting Rector at the Ahmet Yesevi International Turkish-Kazakh University, said that relations between the two countries can be maintained with Turkish drones.
On October 21, the Chairman of the Kyrgyzstan National Security State Committee Kamchibek Tasiyev announced that they have purchased Bayraktar drones from Turkey and that they will be delivered soon.
Turkey is also a party in countries experiencing internal conflicts. At the same time, it does not shy away from military initiatives in countries can be used to balance foreign policy. Turkey, which supports the Libyan Government of National Accord, makes military grants from time to time. Within the framework of the military agreement made in 2019, grants and aids were provided in many areas without disclosing the content of the aids or grants. Turkey has been providing military training and consultancy services since August 2020.
Turkey provides drones to the Government of National Accord.
Pakistan, to which Turkey made a lot of donations to, is also a customer of Bayraktar drones. In 2016, surplus equipment and spares in the TAF inventory were donated to the Pakistan Armed Forces. In 2017, a total of 120 million TL worth of T-37 spare parts and equipment were donated.
Pakistan, which sees the Turkish government as the leader in terms of its Salafi belief, announced that it will buy Bayraktar drones this year. Pakistan's Ambassador to Ankara, Muhammed Sirus Seccad Gazi expressed the reasons for purchasing drones at a conference. And in August, a contract was signed with Pakistan for the development of drones.
One of the countries to which Turkey offers grant support is Kazakhstan. There have been remarkable developments in the military relations between Turkey and Kazakhstan in the last 20 years. There are many Kazakh students in Turkey who are trained in military academies and in various military fields, including cyber security.
TIKA donated a shuttle bus to the Kazakhstan Prosecution Institute to support prosecutors trained in Kazakhstan. In 2015, the Turkish Armed Forces donated 1 million 333 thousand dollars worth of military equipment to the Kazakhstan Armed Forces. It was noted that Turkey also gave military training aid worth 6 million dollars to Kazakhstan from 1993 to 2015. Last year, medical supplies were donated within the scope of pandemic measures. In March, some military vehicles were given free of charge for promotion in Kazakhstan. The military agreement signed between Turkey and Kazakhstan in May 2021 contains many articles, including air defense systems. TIKA provided medical equipment to a health center in Nur Sultan, the capital of Kazakhstan, in June.
TİKA, Kazakistan'da eğitim alan savcılara destek için Kazakistan Savcılık Enstitüsü'ne servis aracı hibe etti. TSK, 2015 yılında Kazakistan Silahlı Kuvvetleri’ne 1 milyon 333 bin dolar değerinde askeri araç-gereç hibe etti. Türkiye’nin 1993 yılından 2015 yılına kadar Kazakistan’a ayrıca 6 milyon dolar değerinde askeri eğitim yardımı verdiği kaydedildi. Geçen yıl korona tedbirleri kapsamında tıbbi malzeme hibesi yapıldı. Mart ayında Kazakistan’da tanıtımı yapılmak amacıyla bazı askeri araçlar ücretsiz verildi. Türkiye ile Kazakistan arasında 2021 yılı Mayıs ayında imzalanan askeri anlaşmanın içeriğinde hava savunma sistemleri dâhil çok sayıda madde var. TİKA, Haziran ayında Kazakistan'ın başkenti Nur Sultan'daki bir sağlık merkezine tıbbi ekipman desteğinde bulundu.
A statement was made regarding the purchase of drones from Kazakhstan, following these grants.
Turkey's military grants to Georgia date back to the independence process in 1992.
In only the first quarter of 2006, Turkey provided 1.8 million dollars aid to Georgia. On April 26, 2006, military equipment assistance amounting to 667 thousand dollars was given to the Georgian border forces.
The 2 million dollars worth of military equipment made by the TAF in 2010 provoked the reaction of the Circassians. It was stated that in 2010, Turkey's military aid to Tbilisi reached 50 million dollars.
In 2011, TSK made a grant of 1.7 million dollars under the name of training and logistics support.
TSK donated two mobile repair shop vehicles and a fire truck with a total value of 350 thousand dollars in 2012.
In November 2020, Turkey donated $5 million worth of vehicles to the Georgian army. Another $20 million grant is planned for 2021. Turkey, which is estimated to have provided $45 million in aid so far, also offers military training support. Health supplies grant was made in January.
In April, Turkey donated special forklifts, minibuses and various devices for the development of the military airport in the city of Marneuli, Kvemo Kartli region.
Most recently, in July, Turkey donated 4 technical service vehicles to the Georgian army.
While military grants and aids continue, Georgia announced that it wants to establish a more strategic partnership with Turkey through drones. In December last year, the Georgian Parliament adopted a resolution envisaging the security of the Black Sea and the strengthening of relations with Turkey. Georgian Defense Minister Irakli Garibashvili also announced that they will purchase UAVs and drones from Turkey in the upcoming months. The newspaper Yeni Şafak, which is close to the government, wrote in its February 3 issue that Georgia would buy Bayraktar TB2. 
Albania one of the countries that recieves grants from Turkey is also one of the countries that purchased drones from Turkey. Turkey provided 10 buses to Albanian Armed Forces in 2014. Turkey also provided 6 ambulances and more than 100 tents verying from 25 metersquares to 100 metersquares to Albanian Defense Ministry and 1250 uniforms. The worth of the equipments was announced as 1.5 million dollars.
Turkey, one of the countries that received AUAVs in Albania, which is within the scope of the grant, provided 10 buses to the Albanian Armed Forces in 2014. Last year, 6 ambulances, a fully equipped "mini mobile hospital", Xhaçka, over 100 tents of 25 to 100 square meters, 1250 uniforms with the armed forces and civil emergency logos were donated to the Albanian Ministry of Defense last year. The value of materials and equipment was announced as 1.5 million dollars.
In June, the Albanian Parliament allocated an additional budget of over 8 million euros for Turkish drones. The development in question came after the visit of Albanian Interior Minister Bledar Chuchi and military officials to Turkey.
Military agreements are also made with the Republic of Chad, where agricultural support grants are provided through TIKA. Last year, a solar irrigation system was donated through TIKA to support the agricultural development of Chad. In the same year, medical supplies were donated within the scope of the struggle with the pandemic. Among the items sent, there were 17,600 protective gloves, approximately 40 thousand overalls, 5 thousand oxygen masks and 1 fully equipped ambulance.
In April, an aid campaign was organized on the grounds of drilling a water well through Kızılay. Through some associations close to the government, "charity" works such as building mosques and delivering Ramadan packages are carried out.
Visiting the Republic of Chad in 2017, Erdogan said that "TIKA has carried out more than 50 projects in Chad."
In 2019, "Military Framework Agreement", "Cash Aid Implementation Protocol", "Cooperation Agreement in the Field of Education" and "Cooperation Agreement in the Field of Culture" were signed between the two countries.
Turkey signed a 10 million Euro grant agreement to be used in the repair of Morava Airport.
Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said last year that they wanted to buy drones from Turkey. In a statement made in October 2020, Vucic said, “We are very interested in the drone systems. We will be purchasing many of them in the future if we reach an agreement with Turkey."
Serbia, which is experiencing tension with Kosovo, is considering buying drones from Turkey, taking into account the regional conflict.
Within the scope of the Military Financial Cooperation Agreement signed between Turkey and Kosovo in September last year, 910,000 dollars worth of personal equipment was donated. In the same context, in August 2000, military clothing, beds and technical equipment worth 743 thousand dollars were donated by the Turkish Armed Forces.
Kosovo Defense Minister Anton Quni announced in September last year that they wanted to purchase drones from Turkey. 
There are many military agreements between Turkey and the Republic of Macedonia. In December 2012, the General Staff delivered eight military vehicles to the Macedonian Armed Forces as a grant.
In 2014, a total of 28 military and financial aid agreements were signed between Macedonia and Turkey. Boots, military uniforms and equipment worth 1 million 950 thousand US dollars were donated to the Macedonian army. At the time in question, the amount of grants in support of the Macedonian army had exceeded 16 million US dollars.
According to the records of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, grants in different amounts continued on different dates within the framework of the Military Training and Cooperation Agreements signed in 1994.
In May, 7,400 Gore-Tex uniforms and a BMC brand tank trailer were donated to North Macedonia for promotional purposes.
It is stated that Macedonia continues its contacts for the purchase of drones.
Turkey is also strengthening its cooperation with Bangladesh in the arms industry. Mosud Mannan, Bangladesh's Ambassador to Ankara, said that he is grateful for the assistance provided by TIKA and Religios Affairs in March.
Turkey has been providing military material support to Bangladesh since 2012. As part of a military agreement signed between the two countries in 2008, Turkey regularly provided material and equipment support to a military unit of Bangladesh once a year.
Bangladesh announced that it wants to buy drones this year. In February, Bangladesh Ankara Ambassador Mosud Mannan thanked Turkey for their help and stated that they wanted to buy Bayraktar drones. 
Rwanda is one of the countries funded by Turkey. In this context, Rwandan Foreign Minister Vincent Biruta thanked Turkey for its assistance in September.
In October, Rwanda stated that it wanted to buy drones. It has been announced that Rwanda has started negotiations with BAYKAR and plans to buy 12 Bayraktar TB2s. The decision was taken in a one on one meeting between Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu and Rwandan Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Vincent Biruta on September 7.
One of the countries that thanked Turkey for its help is Hungary. Hungarian Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, Levente Magyar, thanked Turkey for helping Hungary in the fight against coronavirus (Kovid-19). Within the scope of the aid, 50 thousand face shields, 16 thousand hand disinfectants and 20 thousand colognes were delivered. Cooperation between Hungary and Turkey, where military agreements are also frequently made, continues with companies close to the AKP.
In May, a delegation from Hungary visited Turkey for the purchase of drones. Armament Director of the Hungarian Armed Forces, Gáspár Maróth, in an interview with a local Hungarian television, stated that the government has been working on the procurement of drones in Hungary since 2017 and that they are holding talks with Turkish companies regarding this issue. 
Military cooperation between Turkey and Qatar is discussed in terms of international power balances. A military cooperation agreement was signed between Turkey and Qatar in 2007, followed by a cooperation agreement in the field of military training and a memorandum of understanding in the field of defense industry in 2012. In 2014, military cooperation turned into an alliance.
On the other hand, the denominational consensus accelerated the sales of drones to Qatar. Turkey started the shipping of 6 Bayraktar TB2s to Qatar in 2019.
Turkey does not only sell drones to countries to which it provides funds and grants. At the same time, it sells to countries that are in dispute between the West and the East. Poland was the first European country Turkey sold drones to, which is seen as a power instrument in Turkish foreign policy.
A drone sales contract was signed between Polish Defense Minister Mariusz Blaszczak and Baykar Defense General Manager Haluk Bayraktar at the ceremony on May 24, attended by Polish President Andrzej Sebastian Duda and AKP Chair Tayyip Erdoğan. It is claimed that the total value of the contract is in the range of 250-300 million dollars. It has been announced that the number of drones to be sold to Poland is 24. 
Drone sales diplomacy is carried out in Gambia, where Turkey provides military support. Turkey and Gambia have had a longstanding cooperation, particularly in the military and security fields, since the establishment of the Turkish Gendarmerie Training Team for the Gambian army in February 1991. In addition to military equipment support, 8 thousand Gambian soldiers were trained by the Turkish army both in their country and in Turkey. In 2018, Turkey donated 5,000 military uniforms, 5,000 water bottles, 1,359 logs and 100 military tents to the Gambian army. A military donation of $1.4 million was made to the Gambia Armed Forces in January 2019. In the same year, Turkey provided undisclosed military equipment aid to Gambia.
In 2020, the Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TIKA) opened the Kembujae Madina Village Mosque and Omar bin Khattab School. AKP Chair Tayyip Erdoğan and his wife Emine Erdoğan attended the opening. Right after that, armored vehicle manufacturer Katmerciler signed an agreement with Gambia.
Drone sales diplomacy is being carried out with Gambia. 
Relations with Paraugay are mostly carried out through associations close to the government. Health, coronavirus measures, TIKA grants come to the fore. Paraugay is also considered as a possible market for drones.
Grants to the North African country of Sudan are generally carried out through TIKA. In 2005, a water drilling machine worth $15 million was donated. During the dictatorship of Sudan's President, Omar al-Bashir, agreements on health, food, agriculture and construction were signed. Last year, within the scope of the battle against coronavirus, a grant of "50 ventilators, 100 thousand surgical masks, 50 thousand N95 masks, 50 thousand overalls" was sent to Sudan. In September, under the leadership of TIKA, grants were provided for animal husbandry, agriculture, food and many other fields. Sudan is seen as a potential market for Bayraktar drones.
Turning towards relations with Namibia, Turkey mostly provides grants through TIKA. Some of the grants are in the form of dairy facilities, sports activities, agricultural supports and educational services. Namibia is one of the countries that Bayraktar sees as a potential customer.
Moldova, to which Turkey provides grants, is also seen as a market by arms companies close to the government.
In 2001, a thousand tons of wheat was donated to Moldova. In 2011, 5 ambulances were donated. In 2015, devices to be used in surgeries were donated to Mustafa Kemal Atatürk Vulkaneşti Regional Hospital in Moldova through TIKA. During a visit to Moldova in 2018, AKP Chair Tayyip Erdoğan donated 2 water cannons produced by the BMC company close to the AKP. Last year, 30 thousand masks were donated. In the same year, 65 thousand protective health supplies were donated to Moldova.
In August, a television channel close to the government stated that Moldova was negotiating to buy drones.
Turkey, through TİKA, presented 50 passenger buses produced by Albayrak company as a gift from Erdoğan in 2016.
Last year, 300 thousand surgical masks, 50 thousand N95 masks, 20 thousand overalls, 30 thousand PCR diagnostic tests, 30 thousand extraction kits, 30 thousand swabs were donated within the scope of battle against Coronavirus.
In the same year, Albayrak company, which is close to the government, donated 500 corona test kits and 30 garbage collection trucks.
In 2020, a military equipment grant was made to Guinea.
Turkey, which started to sign military agreements with Guinea, also carries out diplomacy for the sale of drones. 
Another country where Turkey is trying to develop military cooperation is Equatorial Guinea. Turkey also started making grants. In August, Minister of National Defense Hulusi Akar and Minister of Defense of Equatorial Guinea Victoriano Bibang Nsue Okomo signed the Defense Cooperation Agreement. As part of the agreement, it will buy weapons from Turkey.
Last year, hygiene and medical equipment donations were made through TIKA within the scope of the fight against coronavirus campaign.
Bayraktar drone sales diplomacy is carried out with Algeria.
Malaysia is one of the countries to which Turkey provides grants under the name of “aid” through Turkish Religious Affairs, TIKA and some foundations close to the government. In 2010, FNSS Defence System A.Ş. was established under the name of "jobs for 4 thousand people" to Malaysia. The contract for the factory to produce armored vehicles worth 500 million dollars was signed. Most recently, in April, Religious Affairs Foundation (TDV) provided aid to refugees in Malaysia.
Turkey has increased its diplomatic initiatives for the sale of drones to Malaysia. In this context, the features of Turkish UAVs and drones were introduced at the "Turkish Drones and Aviation Industry: Technology and Opportunities" event held in Malaysia in 2019. 
Nigeria is one of the countries experiencing civil war that Turkey established military relations with. In 2016, a Turkish company established a military facility. Military training will be given to Nigeria as a result of the military cooperation agreement signed in 2018. As part of the fight against the pandemic, 10 thousand boxes of hydroxychloroquine and 2 thousand 500 boxes of favipiravir were donated to Nigeria last year. The illegal transportation of weapons from Turkey to Nigeria is often reported in the media and is a matter of discussion.
Nigeria is among the countries interested in Bayraktar drones. It has been announced that the country is closely interested in Bakraktar TB2. Nigeria's Zamfara Governor, Bello Matawale, announced that they will supply drones. The statement coincided with Erdogan's trip to Nigeria between 18-20 October. 
Turkey makes frequent grants to Somalia as well. As of 2012, Turkey started to provide military training to the Somali army. In 2017, the TURKSOM Military Training Base, where the Somali Turkish Task Force Command of the TAF is deployed, was established in the country. A total of 84 million dollars was given to Somalia, including 24 million dollars on May 31, 2016, 30 million dollars on September29,  2017, and 30 million dollars on August 3, 2019. Mohammad Ali Haga, Minister of State for Defense of Somalia, noted that in 2018, the Turkish government recently supplied weapons to the Somali army.
In June last year, a grant of 30 million dollars was handed over to Somalia with the signature of President Tayyip Erdogan. In August of the same year, Turkey donated 12 Hedgehog MKKAs (an armoured vehicle used to disperse crowds) to the Somali Army. Again in November 2020, Turkey gave a grant of 2 million 372 thousand SDR corresponding to 3 million 487 thousand dollars to the initiative initiated by the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries Initiative under the IMF to alleviate Somalia's debt. In August of this year, Turkey donated some military vehicles for the use of Gorgor commandos trained by the Turkish Armed Forces. In the same month, 22 armored personnel carriers were donated to the Somali army. Turkey's policies towards this area from time to time are also become the subject of discussion in the country.
While the grants were flowing, grand gestures started to come from Somalia. In 2014, Mogadishu Port was privatized and transferred to Albayrak.
Turkey is now making diplomatic initiatives for the sale of drones to Somalia. 
Turkey donated 38,500 euros worth of MPT-55 and MPT-76 infantry rifles to Montenegro in March. Turkey is now developing diplomatic relations for the sale of Bayraktar drones.
Turkey made military grants to Afghanistan before the Taliban, but it is not known whether the grant support continues. In July 2019, military equipment worth 4.5 million dollars was donated to Afghanistan. Last year, a $75 million grant commitment was made to Afghanistan. 1 billion dollars in aid was sent to Afghanistan in 16 years. While Turkey trains a total of 17,500 Afghan soldiers, of which 3,500 came to Turkey for military training, it provides military support to Afghanistan at various levels, including military training.
Nigeria is one of the countries that Turkey provides grants for. Within the scope of the security agreement signed with Niger last year, military training was provided for Niger Army. In this context, it will train the security forces as well as training and supplying weapons to the Niger army.
Again, within the scope of coronavirus, medical support was provided last year.
MA / Sedat Yılmaz