From mothers to Barzani: Stop the bloodshed between siblings

  • actual
  • 11:07 15 November 2021
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HAKKARİ - Protesting Turkey's use of chemical weaponsand KDP's practices with the bodies of HPG members, Peace Mothers called on Barzani and said: "Stop the bloodshed between siblings."
In the attack carried out by special forces affiliated with the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP), which is assisting the operation Turkey launched against Zap, Metîna and Avaşîn on April 23, 5 HPG members were killed on August 28-29. Families of HPG members who lost their lives wanted to cross from North East Syria to the Federated Kurdistan Region via the Semalka Border Gate to claim the bodies of their children. However, special forces affiliated with the KDP prevented the mothers from entering the region. The mothers started a sit in after that at the Semalka Border Gate and it is on its 42nd day today.
Peace mothers made a call and said, "End the use of chemical weapons and hand over the bodies to their families" with the march they started at the border in Silopi district of Şırnak on 11 November and in Yüksekova district of Hakkari on 13 November.
Peace Mothers demanded that the bodies of their children held hostage by the KDP to be released to them immediately. Peace Mother Fazile Polar called on the Federated Kurdistan Regional Government to take action against Turkey's use of chemical weapons and said: "Enough is enough. End this operation and stop supporting the enemy!"
Mother Polat who wants the war to end said: "How long will they turn a blind eye to our children being murdered with chemical weapons? Our children are killed with chemical weapons in the mountains. We will never forgive those who hurt the mothers. We will continue to insist on peace. We are making a call from this border gate. We just want peace. We want nothing else."
Addressing the KDP, Peace Mother Fatma Temel said: "They should end the bloodshed between siblings. I am addressing Barzani, the KDP Chair; How cheap is the blood of us Kurds that you keep attacking your brothers and sisters. You are also Kurdish. End this bloodshed. Listen to these mothers who gathered here trying to tell you how they are hurting. End this dirty war. Take action against the use of chemical weapons on Kurds. Don't let our borders to be violated by other countries."
KDP’ye seslenen Barış Annesi Fatma Temel, “Kardeş kanı dökmekten vazgeçsinler. Barzani'ye (KDP Genel Başkanı) sesleniyorum; biz Kürtlerin kanı ne kadar ucuz ki, elini Kürt halkının evlatlarından çekmiyorsun. Barzani de Kürt’tür ve kardeş kavgasından vazgeçsin. Çok sayıda yüreği yaralı anne burada toplanmış, bu annelere kulak versin ve bu kirli savaşa son vermeli. Barzani Kürt, bizde Kürt’üz, kendi topraklarına, annelerin evlatlarına kimyasal silah kullanılmasına, hiçbir devletin Kürt topraklarına girmesine izin vermesin. Bugün bize yapılanlar, yarın onlara yapılır” şeklinde konuştu. 
Peace Mother Belgin Polat called on the Kurds to unite against the wart. Polat said: "We want the Kurdish people to unite and not to betray their brothers and sisters. Barzani does not give us the bodies of our children. On the other hand, he allows military outposts to be placed on Kurdish lands. He allows our children to be murdered with chemical weapons."
MA / Mazlum Engindeniz