Uca: An independent delegation must investigate the use of chemical weapons

  • actual
  • 12:06 9 November 2021
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İSTANBUL - Stating that Europe is remaining silent in the face of the allegations on the use of chemical weapons due to the arms trade with Turkey, HDP's Feleknas Uca stressed that an independent delegation must investigate the use of chemical weapons in Federated Kurdistan Region.

Chemical weapons, the use of which is prohibited by international conventions and considered a "crime against humanity", continues to be used for mass murders today, as in the past. The Middle East is one of the places where these weapons, which caused the loss of millions of people's lives and the great damage to the ecology during the First and Second World Wars, have been used in recent years. Information about the use of chemical weapons by both the regime and paramilitary groups in Syria, where the civil war has been ongoing since 2011, has been reflected to the public many times.
The news that Turkey used banned weapons in Northern and Eastern Syria came to the fore in 2019 with the photograph of a child who had chemical burns on his body. While no action was taken by international organizations in the face of these allegations, chemical weapons were used in the last operation carried out by Turkey in the Iraqi Federated Kurdistan Region. Fırat News Agency (ANF) and journalists in the region have covered a lot of news on the subject in recent weeks. According to reports, Turkey used chemical weapons 323 times in 6 months. Some organizations and intellectuals, who took action after the issue came to the fore, called on the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) to "investigate the allegations on the ground".
While Turkey has not yet made a statement on the subject, eyes once again turned to the events in which chemical weapons were used in the past years. One of them took place in the Kazan Valley (Geliyê Tiyarê) in the Çukurca district of Hakkari. In 2011, 36 HPG members lost their lives due to the use of chemical weapons. While the outcome of the investigation initiated regarding the incident is unknown, the autopsy results of the victims were not shared with the public.
Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Batman Deputy Feleknas Uca, who was among the international delegation that conducted investigations in the region where the incident took place, spoke about both her observations in Kazan Valley and the situation that awaits clarification today.
Uca, who was a member of the European Parliament (EP) at the time of the investigations, shared that they first met with the families of those who lost their lives in the valley and were informed that their bodies were burned. Stating that the families said that there were different marks on the bodies, Uca said that they applied to the Forensic Medicine Institude (ATK) and the prosecutor's office to see the bodies. Uca stated that the prosecutor's office did not allow them to see the bodies and told that chemicals were not used. Stating that at that point they realized they were hiding something, Uca told that they, then, went to the valley and conducted investigations.
Expressing that the area where the bombardment was made in the valley turned to ashes and the trees were burned, Uca also noted that they found parts of the bomb that was used and some limbs that had turned into charcoal. Uca said that in the interviews they held at that time, the villagers in the vicinity reported that they experienced some symptoms such as nausea, dizziness and streaming eyes after the bombardment.
Uca drew attention to the fact that they witnessed the use of chemical gases in similar situations. Pointing out that the gas bombs used during the Batman Newroz also contained chemicals, Uca said, "We couldn't breathe. They said that chemical gas was used in the hospital. Later, when I was treated in Germany, they found a chemical related condition in my lungs. The same situation is currently happening in the Federated Kurdistan Region. We brought the issue to the parliament. However, no explanation was made."
Protesting the silence of international organizations regarding the use of chemical weapons in the Federated Kurdistan Region, Uca said, "The weapons used are bought from European countries. European countries do not persue the crimes of Turkey because of this. Because they have interests. Turkey uses refugees as a bargaining chip. Just like Turkey, Europe is violating international conventions. It is responsible for these attacks just like Turkey. The weapons sold to Turkey is used on civillians. This must be investigated."
Demending an investigation must be started by an independent delegation from Europe, Uca said: "Investigations should be made on the ground. The results of previous reports should also be requested. They should be compared with the current results. It should be determined by which countries these gases were sold. We know that the gas used in Halabja were also sold by Europe. This is a serious issue. Both in terms of international conventions, human rights and law."
MA / Gökhan Altay