Yılmaz: Opposition should not be complicit in the crime about war resolution

  • actual
  • 10:28 25 October 2021
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ANKARA - Stating that it is a very serious problem to pass the resolutions through the Parliament over the "PKK and Kurdish threat", Dr. Arzu Yılmaz said, "The opposition should take a clearer stance against these resolutions and not be a party to this crime."
Since 2014, Syria has been included in the war resolutions that started with the Iraq resolution in Turkey in 2007, and a joint resolution for the two countries has begun to be issued. In this context, on October 20, the war bill, which was requested for a two-year period for Syria and Iraq, was brought to the agenda of the Parliament.
While the resolution submitted to the Presidency of the Parliament is expected to be discussed in the upcoming days, the reasons behind the motion, its connection with the Kurdish issue and the opposition's attitude were evaluated by the political scientist Dr. Arzu Yilmaz.
Emphasizing that Turkey's first resolution for a military operation against Syria was back in 2012, Yılmaz said, “The first resolution for Iraq came to the agenda of the Parliament in 2007. The passing of such a bill in the conditions of 2012, first of all, presents important data on Turkey's following an interventionist policy, including unilateral military operations, in its Syria policy from the very beginning. Another aspect of 2012 coincides with the period when the Kurdish forces in Syria took control of some areas and even the Kurds in Syria and the Kurds in Iraq made a joint decision to act together like the Syrian Kurdish National Council. These resolutions show that Turkey's Syria policy and its stance on the Kurds in Syria date back to 2012."
Recalling the period in 2014 when the Iraqi and Syrian resolutions were combined and brought to the Parliament's agenda, Yılmaz said, “It coincides with the period when the international coalition was established in September, with the participation of 83 countries on the fight against ISIS, when the whole world decided to fight against ISIS together, even before Turkey discussed this resolution. Turkey is included in this coalition on paper. But at the time when Turkey decided to launch a military operation on these two countries, the world's problem was ISIS, just like in Iraq and Syria. When Turkey passed this resolution, Mosul was completely in the hands of ISIS. A genocide had taken place in Shengal and ISIS attacked Kobanê. In such a conjuncture, Turkey was not defined as a threat in the resolution passed unilaterally by the Parliament. In this memorandum, the first threat is defined as the PKK, PYD, and YPG, and the second is justified as threats originating from the Syrian regime.
Yılmaz stated that the 2014 memorandum should be read as the main decision that also ended the İmralı process, as it points to the PKK PYD and YPG as the main reason, without mentioning ISIS, and said, “It is argued that the Imralı process ended in July 2015 through the operation against Kandil or Ceylanpınar. However, this is the document that ended the process."
Reminding that ISIS was included in the resolution issued in 2015, but it was not defined as a direct threat, Yılmaz stated that it was only after 2016 that it was recognized as a threat. Yılmaz said, “This coincides with the aftermath of the Jarablus and Al-Bab operations. Because at that time there was no Kurdish forces in Al-Bab and Jarablus. There were ISIS forces. But there was no war there. As reflected in the press, the ISIS forces there actually changed their clothes, cut their beards a little, and joined the groups called the Syrian National Army, which acted with Turkey."
Reminding that Turkey is defined as an occupying power in Syria in the Turkey Progress Report of the European Union (EU) Commission, Yılmaz said, “The same has been emphasized in several international reports in the past. Today, Turkey is the only country in Syria unilaterally in violation of international law. It is very important to keep this in mind as we conduct debates on resolutions today. In Turkey, the resolution is still being discussed over the Kurdish issue. However, it should not be overlooked that these resolutions are actually functional as a means of protecting ISIS and transforming Turkey's relations with ISIS into a geographical one."
Noting that the resolutions have been passed by the Parliament with the support of the opposition without question for so long to prevent the risk of migration or terrorist threats against Turkey, as alleged, Yılmaz emphasized that a serious account of the consequences has never been made. Yılmaz said, "But, in the light of the data revealed, whether through immigration figures or the fact that Turkey provides financial support to international terrorism or its sources are not prevented, these resolutions did not have any preemptive function against the threats that exist there, as claimed. Beyond that, it should not be overlooked that it has made the threats even greater for Turkey. These were already known. This responsibility also rests on the international community, especially the United States, which allows Turkey's operations in Syria and Iraq to result in the protection of ISIS.”
Stating that the Iraq-Syria cross-border operations have very important consequences not only for Turkey's position in the region or the Kurdish issue, but also for the internal security structure, Yılmaz said, "After 2007, after the great defeat in the Sun Operation, the soldiers, gradually fell out of the political equation. In 2014, although the military seemed to return to the center of politics, this time in cooperation with the AKP, it again corresponded to a very important structural transformation. The TAF is no longer an armed force consisting only of its own hierarchical structure. Today, at least, we know from Syria and Iraq that it is acting together with paramilitary groups. Therefore, every time these resolutions come to the fore, they overshadow other results by acting on certain mind state.”
Pointing out that the new bill was submitted to the Parliament with a request for an extension of 2 years, Yılmaz said, "I don't want to attempt to read an intention, but frankly, I thought it was a message given by the government in the context of elections at a time when early elections are on the agenda. But on the other hand, the following fact should not be overlooked; Turkey is going through a very critical period in which everything is extremely fragile and anything can happen at any time. Therefore, at least, it made us think that the government, which has no other tool to consolidate the domestic public opinion, has already taken a precautionary position to hold this tool for 2 years in case the parliament could be unable to work."
Pointing out that it is a very serious problem to pass the resolutions through the Parliament over the "PKK and the Kurdish threat", which has become a rote without discussing the political, military and economic costs, Yılmaz underlined that the problem has reached dimensions that cannot be ignored any longer. Yılmaz drew attention to the following: “At a time when Turkey is increasingly detached from the world, becoming isolated and rapidly moving towards a category called 'rogue state' almost 20 years ago, if the opposition still asserts itself with the claim of governing a post-AKP Turkey, this is the case. It should act with a clearer attitude and meticulousness towards these resolutions, which constitute one of the important milestones of the process. Opposition definitely shouldn't be a partner in this crime."
Referring to CHP Chair Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu's call to bureaucrats to "act in accordance with the law", Yılmaz said that the call meant "don't be a party to this crime". Reminding that the CHP has not yet announced its stance on the resolution, Yılmaz said, “However, I do not think they will say 'no' to the motion. Kılıçdaroğlu should also follow the call he made to the bureaucrats to 'not be a party to this crime' and should not cooperate in legitimizing an action that clearly poses serious threats to Turkey. Everyone's concerned about Turkey's security, not just Kılıçdaroğlu's, he should take this into consideration."
Stating that the reason why the Kurdish voters seem to be closer to the CHP today than yesterday is not actually a peaceful solution to the Kurdish problem, Yılmaz said: “The Kurdish voters also know very well that there is no such will in the CHP. There is no such intention. However, the expectation among the Kurds is at least for Turkey to regain a legal order with the CHP government, and for justice, equality and peace, even if it will not come with the CHP government, for normalization through a return to a legal order in the minimum common sense. I believe that the CHP's no to this resolution, which almost constitutes a framework for Turkey's lawlessness both abroad and domestically, will be an important threshold in the consolidation of this expectation."
MA / Zemo Ağgöz