Writer Ferac: NATO and UN must investigate Turkey's war crimes

  • actual
  • 09:18 22 October 2021
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NEWS CENTER - Writer Letif Fatîh Ferac said that NATO, EU and UN should investigate the use of chemical gas and other crimes of Turkey in Federated Kurdistan Region.
The reactions against the use of chemical weapons by Turkey in the military operations in the Federated Kurdistan Region are on the rise. Author Letîf Fatîh Ferac evaluated the use of chemical weapons. Speaking to ANF, Ferac drew attention to Turkey's military presence in the region and said, "Turkey should be seen as an invader. Because there is no sovereignty left in Iraq, it cannot sustain itself; That's why Turkey is expanding its attacks. Turkey does not want to be only in Qendil, Avaşîn and Başîka; it also wants to be in Kirkuk. Some Iraqi politicians see themselves close to this issue for their own interests. That's why some politicians in Kurdistan and Iraq work for Turkey."
Evaluating the use of chemical weapons in military operations, Ferac said, “In 1987-1988, the Iraqi regime used chemical weapons against the Kurdish people. The Turkish state also used chemical weapons on the Kurdish people. We demand an international delegation to come to the region and investigate. We, the Kurdish people, must deliver documents and images to the world. I have a few photographs and documents with me that I can't even look at these atrocities the Turkish state has done to the Kurdish people. These images should reach the world."
Reminding that Turkey is a member of NATO, Ferac said: “NATO should investigate these crimes of the Turkish state against humanity. Turkey is a member of NATO, it is committing these crimes on behalf of NATO. Turkey commits crimes against human rights, but NATO and the United Nations (UN) remains silent about it. On the other hand, the European Union (EU) should initiate an investigation against the crimes committed by Turkey. But the EU prefers silence for its own interests.”
Pointing out that history is full of stories of the fall of tyrants and dictators, Ferac gave the following message: "From Hitler to Mussolini, Genghis Khan and Saddam... This trend will not last. Erdogan will also fall. When Erdogan falls, his junior supporters and associates will be buried with him.”