HDP PM: We will step up the common struggle against isolation

  • actual
  • 12:48 13 September 2021
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ANKARA -  In the final declaration of the HDP Party Assembly, it was stated that the isolation against PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan has spread to the society and it was added, "Our responsibility is to expand democratic politics and the collective struggle against the isolation policies."
The final declaration of the Party Assembly (PM) meeting held by the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) on September 11-12 has been announced. Dedeoğulları family murdered in Konya, Deniz Poyraz who were killed in the HDP İzmir Provincial Organization building, and Miraç Miroğlu, who lost their lives as a result of being ran over by an armored vehicle in İdil, were commemorated at the meeting and it was said that the September 12 coup continues today, 41 years later with all its institutions and mentality.
In the final declaration, which states that meetings were held in 71 centers within the scope of the "We are HDP supporters, we are everywhere" campaign launched against party closure and racist attacks, it was emphasized that these meetings heralded a great change in terms of Turkey's democratic future.
The final decleration of the HDP is as follows: "We will stand against capitalism and the government and stand with the nature, stand with those who produce, those who are oppressed! During summer we have witnessed great disasters, forest fires, floods. The government's wrong policies are the reason for these disasters. As HDP, we will never give up on protecting our nature and living spaces, and the struggle for ecological balance and protection of the ecologic system.
As the capitalist male-dominated powers try to overcome the crisis they are experiencing with war and violence policies, they create bigger crises. The permanent war that is desired to be created in the Middle East affects women the most. We saw this in the forced detention of Yazidi women and children in Shengal, who were left to ISIS without anyone fighting for them. We have seen that those who have been in power for more than 20 years in Afghanistan handed over Afghanistan to the Taliban forces without any resistance. We saw how the women were wronged.
The AKP-MHP male government has stated that it will recognize the Taliban regime and exercised its misogynistic stance in its foreign policy. Their policies such as withdrawing from the Istanbul Convention, allowing violence against women to increase with policies of impunity; the attacks on our rights and gains, targeting our co-chair system and equal representation system, pillaging our nature and living spaces, are not independent of the aim of liquidating the ecological and women's libertarian system that is rising in Rojava, which is in the center of the Middle East today.
We will step up our struggle against the policies of war and violence by strengthening our organized movement, we will continue to take to the streets against male-dominated fascism and unite with the women of the world, increasing our solidarity.
Kurdish children deprived of their right to be educated in their mothertongue can not play safely on the streets. While attacks against the Kurdish language increases on a daily basis, so does the deaths by armoured vehicles running over people, especially the children. We call on to all social opposition to save this country from being a country where Kurdish children are deprived of their language, to defend the right to a scientific education in mother tongue, to create an equal, free, secular, gender libertarian and pluralistic education.
While our Party Assembly meeting was going on, the call to end the isolation on Mr. Öcalan and to end the hunger strike against rights violations in prisons was shared with the public. Necessary steps must be taken to meet the demands of political prisoners as soon as possible. Being aware of the fact that the isolation is a system applied to the entire society in the person of Mr. Öcalan, our responsibility is to expand democratic politics and the collective struggle against the policies of isolation and violations of rights in prisons. Ending the isolation in order to find a democratic solution to the Kurdish question will pave the way for democtratization of Turkey and for social peace."
Everyday we hear news about refugees whose rights are violated, who are subjected to racist attacks, who are injured or killed by these racist gangs.  The first condition of defending the peoples of the region, especially the Syrian and Afghan refugees, is to fight against imperialism and its regional collaborators. As HDP, we will continue to advocate the implementation of principled and constructive policies based on the elimination of foreign interventions, poverty, war, political crises and similar destruction processes that are the source of migration. The political power is responsible for the growth of racist and discriminatory policies towards immigrants.
As HDP; We are preparing to announce the call for democracy, which will serve democratization at this historical stage, on September 27. The entire public is eagerly awaiting this call. Our Party Assembly has seriously discussed the issue and made important determinations and suggestions for the formation of principles that will concern all political forces in Turkey."