Call to international organizations: Don't recognize misogynists

  • actual
  • 14:04 25 August 2021
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NEWS CENTER -  Calling on international organizations for Peace and Security, Initiative to Combat Occupation and Anti-Women Crime, demanded sanctions be imposed on forces supporting the Taliban.
In a statement, the Initiative for Peace and Security, Against Occupation and Women's Crime, called on international organizations to take action against the Taliban, who seized many settlements in Afghanistan, declared sharia rule and implemented decisions that ignored the basic rights of women.
The statement is as follows: "The Taliban seized many settlements in Afghanistan, especially the capital Kabul, and declared sharia rule. There have been reports that the Taliban, which declared that they will respect women's rights only in the sharia order, has already started to implement a series of decisions that ignore the basic rights of women and leave them no living space. As the world public will remember, Afghanistan came under the rule of the Taliban between 1996-2001; With the declared sharia rule, women and girls were prevented from receiving education, participating in politics, and speaking in public; Women who did not obey these rules mutilated or executed. With the removal of the Taliban from power and the resistance and struggle of Afghan women and girls gained the right to education, the burqa requirement was abolished, many gains were achieved such as the law on combating violence against women and the abolition of the work ban, and these gains continued until the Taliban seized power.
Hundreds of bitter examples can be given about, Al-Nusra, today ISIS, FSA and finally the Taliban have a destructive male-dominated fascist mentality against women's freedom struggle, women's right to life, and their existence. The Rojava Revolution, a women's revolution, built in 2011 by the Kurdish, Arab, Assyrian, Armenian, Circassian, Turkmen, Chechen and Chaldean peoples, who weaved a new and common life with their own power after the Syrian war, became a model throughout the Middle East. However, ISIS and the regional forces behind it tried to invade Kobanê in order to stifle the Rojava revolution, which tore up the dark history of the Middle East and where women, peoples, religious and sectarian groups were lived together, and they set up slave markets for the women they kidnapped in Shengal. Thousands of Yazidi, Kurdish and Arab women were murdered, displaced, abducted, raped, women were forbidden to go out, circumcision was made compulsory.
While it is obvious that women have faced something we can almost say a gendercide throughout history, especially in the Middle East, we are watching with amazement the meetings of some organizations that have representation in Afghanistan and carry out activities in the international arena, by accepting Taliban representatives as interlocutors. Dealing with the Taliban administration in Afghanistan brings with it the danger of seeing the violations of rights in the current situation as legitimate.
Finally, the Taliban regime is another name for inequality, rights violations and death for women. Contrary to the words recently uttered by President Erdogan of Turkey, both as women, and as the Initiative for Peace and Security, Against Occupation and Women's Crimea, we have a lot of criticism regarding the Taliban's belief and we will not agree with a misogynistic organization like the Taliban! While the active support of the AKP government to gangs such as ISIS is known by almost the whole world; moreover, while the Istanbul Convention, which is the Council of Europe Convention on the Prevention and Combating of Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence, was terminated by a Presidential Decree at midnight, Turkey's enthusiasm for working together with the Taliban in Afghanistan is as worrying as it is thought-provoking!
From here, we call on all international organizations on behalf of the 'For Peace and Security, Fight Against Occupation and Women's Crime Initiative':
* Action must be taken immediately to disarm the Taliban as soon as possible!
* Immediate sanctions should be imposed on all powers and states that assist the armament of the Taliban!
* All kinds of measures should be taken urgently against this fundamentalist regime, taking into account the right to life of all anti-Taliban groups, especially women and children in Afghanistan!
* While these measures are being taken, we call on them to oppose the recognition of the Taliban government and to support the resistance and struggle of Afghan women against the reactionary male fascism.”