Katırcıoğlu: Öcalan is being isolated for saying 'I will solve the Kurdish question'

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  • 11:35 17 August 2021
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İSTANBUL - Stressing that the PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan was placed under aggravated isolation because he said, "I will solve the Kurdish question', HDP İstanbul MP Erol Katırcıoğlu told that isolation is a policy based on not solving the Kurdish problem.
Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Istanbul Deputy Erol Katırcıoğlu made important assessments to our agency regarding the causes and consequences of the unsolved Kurdish question and the isolation policies against PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan.
Expressing that the Kurdish question is Turkey's most fundamental problem, Katırcıoğlu stated that it is not possible to talk about the development of democracy and economy without solving this problem. Pointing out that the Kurdish policy of the state has seriously victimized the peoples of Turkey as well as the Kurds, Katırcıoğlu stated that the deadlock caused the arbitrary administration and those in power to gain extra powers beyond their legal authority and power.
Katırcıoğlu continued as follows: “This power has bad effects both in politics and economy. It creates black holes. When you contextualize it economically, it increased corruption as a start. As understood from Sedat Peker's statements, Interior Minister Süleyman Soylu is using an authourity that he doesn't actually have. As a result of this, an uncontrollable group is formed. It means that the state has ceased to be a state of law and has become a kind of mafia state. The whole society suffers from this. When we look at it in this context, we can see the effects of the Kurdish problem.”
Saying that the Kurdish question is an important factor in the legitimization of unlawfulness, Katırcıoğlu stated that the trustee system, which was "legitimized" through HDP municipalities, started to be implemented in western Turkey, as seen in the examples of Yalova Municipality and Boğaziçi University. Expressing that the Kurdish question is the common problem of the whole society, Katırcıoğlu said, “It is not possible for Turkey to reach a solution without solving this problem. They say, 'HDP should distance itself from the PKK'. This is not realistic. How can we distance a mother and father from their sons and daughters? PKK members are, after all, the people of this society. Most of them have Turkish ID cards in their hands. Therefore, the main question to be asked is why the PKK exists. Why is this situation, which is a revolt in a sense, happening? Turkey needs to talk about this. Without solving this problem, Turkey cannot solve the Kurdish question, nor can it solve the democracy problem."  
Emphasizing that the people of the region understand the Kurdish problem and its effects better than those living in the west, Katırcıoğlu said, “The west of Turkey has a conformist structure. People in the west somehow think they are free. In fact, they are not. People living in western Turkey do not really get the Kurds. The Kurdish question we are emphasizing is actually a matter of honour.
The problem that we are not talking about the Kurdish question is actually a matter of honor. It is a problem of trampling on the dignity of a people, and we are talking about people who have reached a level that cannot tolerate it. How can a country where Kurds are discriminated against economically develop and prosper? We are talking about a people that can no longer tolerate their honour being trampled. How can a country where the Kurds are discriminated can develop and prosper economically?"
Noting that the effects of the deadlock in the Kurdish question has a negative effect in economy, politics, culture and arts, Katırcıoğlu emphasized that a system in which different peoples can live together should be established. Katırcıoğlu stated that as long as no solution is found, discriminations and problems will deepen gradually and that Turkey must confront its past. Saying that Turkey belongs to everyone who live in it, Katırcıoğlu said, “Mr. Öcalan told this. A policy based on equality should be established in the common homeland." 
Evaluating the words of Republican People's Party (CHP) Chair Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu who told that he will solve the Kurdish question, Katırcıoğlu said: "“I am pleased to hear that. The CHP, which says it will raise the bar for democracy, needs to explain what it will do in order to solve the Kurdish question. We can not talk about democracy before we solve the Kurdish question. He could have explained what he would do if he comes to power to solve the Kurdish question. It would be enough. The people say, "Our votes are not a bird in the hand. We voted for the CHP once. It doesn't mean we will do it again. We want to hear what they will do."
Stating that the Nation Alliance should be more transparent, Katırcıoğlu continued, "“We want to know whether they regard the solution of the Kurdish problem as a sine qua non of democracy. There is also a large nationalist section within the CHP. Some CHP deputies in the parliament do not even look into our eyes or say hello. But some of them are also very close friends to us. If they want us to join our forces for a more secular, more liberal Turkey, let's talk. We are not saying that we should be members of the alliance, we do not want it anyway. Our way of politics is the Third Path. We do not find the People's Alliance and the Nation Alliance a right way in many aspects. Our longing for Turkey is different from theirs. We want to explain this to the peoples of Turkey.”
Stating that Öcalan was placed in isolation because he said, "I can solve the Kurdish question in a week", Katırcıoğlu said, "But they do not want a solution. Therefore, by isolating Mr. Öcalan, they prevent us from benefiting from his ideas. If they had the opportunity to communicate with Öcalan, they would have the opportunity to benefit from the vision he gained through his readings and experiences in prison for more than 20 years. This vision is what HDP has brought to the agenda. We must give it a chance. We need to hear what Mr. Öcalan says, but the isolation eliminates this possibility. Therefore, this situation creates a deficiency in realizing Öcalan's vision. What would happen if we hear Mr. Öcalan? He already explained his vision back in 2013. The created a vision where different people from different backgrounds live with each other peacefully. He wants a pluralistic democracy. What is wrong with that? They say 'They are terrorists, we will not negotiate with them'. Why did they chose this path? Who would want to go to the mountains if there were no reason for it? There were something corrupt, they were being wronged, so they chose this path. Many people died from both sides. It is painful that this continues today."
Stating that similar problems have been resolved in many parts of the world with the method of dialogue, Katırcıoğlu pointed out that it should be understood that it is not possible to get anywhere with polarization and the methods of violence. Stating that the dignity of the Kurds as a broken people should be repaired, Katrcoğlu said, “Kurds want equal rights, they want their own language, they want to govern themselves in their densely populated areas, and these are very legitimate things that happen all over the world. We do want to clash with nationalism. When you put pressure on the Kurdish identity, both the Kurdish worker and the employer unite. There is pressure on the Kurdish identity. We want a society where differences are embraced with their own identity."
MA / İdris Sayılğan