Second hearing of the Helicopter Case to be held tomorrow

VAN - The second hearing of the journalist who broke the stroy about two villagers thrown from a helicopter will be held tomorrow in Van. One of these journalists, Cemil Uğur said: "The only way to stand against the oppression of the government is solidarity."
The second hearing of the case against Mesopotamia Agency (MA) reporters Adnan Bilen and Cemil Uğur, Jinnews reporter Şehriban Abi and journalist Nazan Sala who broke the story about two villagers thrown from a military helicopter will be held tomorrow in Van 5th High Criminal Court at 09.00. Journalist Cemil Uğur called for solidarity.
Drawing attention to the fact that the pressure against them intensified after they wrote about the villagers who were tortured by the soldiers. Pointing out to the process lead to their arrest Uğur said: "We were referred to court after 4 days in detention. They arrested us and sent us to prison. There was not one single proof of their accusations at the decision. We see that the court was ordered to arrest us no matter what happens. Our press cards given by our agency was ignored. The court said the only valid press card was a state issued press card given by the Presidency. We were released after 6 months with judicial control measures. It was not a fair trial. It was a case of revenge for revealing the torture." 
Reminding that the tapes of their phonecalls which the court ordered to be destroyed was in their file, Uğur underlined that free press workers are targeted while people involved in dirty relations under the pretense of journalism walks free. Uğur said: "There are dozens of examples for it. Abdurrahman Gök who captured the moment Kemal Kurkut was shot dead at the Newroz Celebrations in Diyarbakır was sued instead of being awarded a prize. Bülent Kılıç following the Pride March in İstanbul was laid down and a police stepped on his neck just like George Floyd. We are face to face with a government that want to suffocate journalist who doesn't write what they want. They should know that whatever they do, we will not let them suffocate us. We inherited this legacy from Musa Anter, Hrant Dink, Metin Göktepe..We see today how important their work was. We know that the people loved them and embraced them. We will continue to walk their path. We will not be the journalists the government wants. We were never afraid of their oppression policies. We will stand against their torture, injustice and violation of rights. There is a strength that we get from the people."
Calling for participation in the hearing tomorrow, Uğur said: "This is not just a law suit against 4 journalists. This is a law suit against journalist who revealed the torture against the people. Not only the press organizations, but the people should embrace these journalists and follow this case closely. The only way to stand against the oppression of the government is solidarity. They will be the ones to be scared when they see the solidarity."
Davanın yarınki duruşması için de dayanışma çağrısı yapan Uğur, şöyle devam etti: “Bu dava 4 gazetecinin yargılandığı bir dava değil, bir işkenceyi ortaya çıkaran gazetecilerin davası. Bu davayı sadece basın meslek örgütleri ve gazetecilerin değil tüm halkın sahiplenmesi gerekiyor. Bu iktidarın baskılarına ve politikalarına karşı durmanın tek yolu dayanışmadır. Bu dayanışmanın örneğini göstereceğimiz yerler artık mahkeme salonları ve adliye koridorlarıdır. Güçlü durdukça, gücümüzü gösterdikçe ve dayanışmamızı gösterdikçe onlar bizden daha çok korkacaktır."