Poyraz statement from Demirtaş: We know the perpetrator

NEWS CENTER - Making a statement on Deniz Poyraz who was killed during the attack on HDP İzmir office, Selahattin Demirtaş said: "We know the perpetrators, we know what they want."
Former Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Co-Chair Selahattin Demirtaş made a statement regarding the murder of Deniz Poyraz in the attack on their party. Demirtaş, who also changed his profile picture into black in his social media account, expressed condolences to Deniz Poyraz's family and the people of Kurdistan.
Demirtaş made the following statement: "I wish God's mercy on our friend Deniz, who was brutally murdered, and my condolences to our family and our people. We are in great pain but our resilience and hope is also great. We know the perpetrators. We know what they want. Then we will not succumb to anger, and we will not be defeated by anger, and we will not give up our struggle for democracy and peace. The way to prevent provocations is to step up the struggle for democracy and solidarity. Together, we will ensure a peaceful society and a free tomorrow, where all these villiany will be held accountable before the law. Condolences to us all."