People of Maxmur: UN condones the attacks


NEWS CENTER- Stating that the latest air attack on Mahmur is the beginning of a new concept, the people of the camp said, "If it had been a few hours later, there would have been a massacre," and called the BM and Baghdad to responsibility.

Mahmur Refugee Camp was bombed by Turkish SİHAs on the day the KDP was involved in the cross-border operation. Fortunately, no lives were lost as Armed Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (SİHA) bombed the park, which is used by the camp residents and close to the school, during the day on 5 June. Turkey's attack on Maxmur with a population of 12 thousand is not the first. The camp, which is under embargo by the KDP for the last 3 years, has been bombed from the air 6 times in the last 4 years.
The camp residents protested Turkey's airstrike and the Kurdistan Democratic Party's (KDP) embargo.
Bedran Pîran, one of the camp residents, said that the attack was a new concept of genocide. "If the bombardment had taken place a few hours later, it would have caused a great massacre," said Piran, and added: "This attack was carried out in the middle of the camp. There is a school and a park there. It was sheer luck that there were no people there at the time of the bombing."
Reminding that they came to Maxmur after residing in 7 different camps in the last 28 years, Pîran said: "Neither the Turkish state not its partners gave a break to the camp in the last 28 years. They tried everything to disperse the camp. They carried out ground and air attacks. We are supposedly protected by the United Nations (UN). UN is responsible for the lives of each individual in this camp. Unfortunately they are not fulfilling their responsibilities. They do not act responsibly. This goes for Iraq too. Turkey wants to massacre the Kurds. UN and Iraq must fulfill its responsibilities.
One of the residents of the city, Fairuz Nerexi, stated that Turkey's latest attack was a massacre attempt. Nerexî, who migrated to Maxmur because of the pressure applied to them, said: "They oppressed and wronged us. They burned our houses and bombed our villages. That's why we turned to Başur (South) to breathe a sigh of relief. Despite everything, we tried to build a life here. But the same forces turned this place into a cemetery as well. Kurds will get stronger if they unite. They can fight off any forces attacking them if they unite. Kurds are everywhere in the world. They are killed, forced into migration, washed ashore at the seas. The Kurds should not deceive themselves or associate with their enemies. No matter what happens, we will not kneel and give up on our cause.”
One of the camp residents Asya Şirnexî said: "We want our identity and our language. We have been murdered for years. Wronged for years. We don't have doctors, we can't leave the house. We have been suffering from the KDP just like we suffered from Turkey. KDP needs to block the enemy, not enable it."
MA / Zeynep Durgut