Iraqi Army Spokesperson: What's happening here can only be described as invasion

 NEWS CENTER - Making a statement regarding the cross-border operation of the TAF, Yahya Resul, spokesperson of the Iraqi Army General Command, said: " What's happening here can only be described as invasion."
The operation launched by the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) in the Federated Kurdistan Region on April 23 continues both from the air and from the ground. Parallel to the operations of the TAF, the KDP is accumulating power in Metina and participating in a joint operation with Turkey. While the reactions to the inclusion of KDP special units in the operation are growing, people from different politics critisize the cross border operations of Turkey.
Yahya Resul, spokesperson of the Iraqi Army General Command, made statements regarding Turkey's cross-border operation at a press conference.
According to RojNews, Yahya Resul stated that the Turkish army entered 20 kilometers into the Iraqi territory. Yahya Resul said, “It is far beyond the limit determined by the agreements between the two parties. The Turkish army has increased the number of its military bases in the Kurdistan Region. The advance of the Turkish state into Iraqi territory is not right, Turkey needs to respect the sovereignty of Iraq and the neighboring countries."
Stating that diplomatic means and dialogue are needed for a solution, Yahya Resul said, “What is happening in Iraqi lands today can only be described as invasion. The Turkish state violated Iraqi airspace. This problem must be solved through the air defense system."