Environmentalists marched to Mount Cudi


ŞIRNAK - Protesting the plundering of the environment, continuing forest fires and cutting of trees in Mount Cudi, Hundreds of people including ecologists, artists, intellectuals and politicians marched to Mount Cudi.

Political party representatives and non-governmental organizations came together in the Balveren town of Şırnak against the forest fire that has been going on for a week on Mount Cudi, the destruction of nature as a result of military operations that have been going on since April 23. Hundreds of people wellcomed Democratic Society Congress (DTK) Co-chair Berdan Öztürk, Democratic Regions Party (DBP) Co-Chairs Keskin Bayındır and Saliha Aydeniz, HDP MPs, Peace Mothers Assembly members, KESK Şırnak Branches Platform members with banners written "Xweza hebûna mirovahiyêye werin em bi hevre li xwezaya xwe  xwedî derkevin", "Cudi is on fire", "Cudi is history, don't set history on fire".
Speaking after the march from the town to the foothills of Mount Cudi, HDP Adana Deputy Tülay Hatimoğulları said that there was a serious economic crisis in Turkey and the world, and the reason for this was the plunder of nature.
Emphasizing that the system established by the AKP-MHP government is based on rent and plunder, Hatimoğulları said, “They resorted to all kinds of ways and methods to exploit the stone, mountain and soil. In the Aegean, Black Sea, and Amanos Mountains, licenses are issued for mining. They are plundering everything in nature. What is happening Cudi is also happening in the Aegean and Black Sea."
Drawing attention to the fact that if the plunder of the nature continues, people will not be able to breateü Hatimoğlulları said: "The reason for the cutting of the trees in Kurdistan is different. They cut the trees here to build police stations. They cut the trees so that they can clearly see the environment. That is the reason there are continuous fires in Kurdistan. For "security". This is also a revenge."
Underlining that animals are dying in these fires too, Hatimoğlulları said: "You are creating an inhabitable country. Mount Cudi is ours. Just like the Eagean and the Black Sea. We will continue to fight against this plunder. The real problem here is peace. We are so tired of the bloodshed and death. Both the dead and those killing them are tired as well. This country is tired of this violence. We will continue to fight for peace."
Speaking after Hatimoğulları, DTK Co-Chair Berdan Öztürk draw attention to the isolation on PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan and said: "This plunder and massacres will never end until the Kurdish question is solved. The isolation on PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan must be lifted and Kurdish question must be resolved now. This chaos needs to end. The best resonse to this plundering mentality is to keep fighting for peace in both Turkey and Kurdistan. Let's join in this struggle for peace. 
A sit in was started after the speaches. While the event was concluded with local tunes and slogans, the delegation moved to the city center of Şırnak to visit the tradesmen.