Ahmet Türk: Barzani should remember his promise!

NEWS CENTER - Kurdish politician Ahmet Türk, who said that the nationalist front used every way to prevent the Kurds from breathing, but that this policy did not last long, reminded Mesut Barzani that "Kurds will never draw guns on their brothers anymore".
A partial breakdown of the power ground of the AKP, which has ruled Turkey for 18 years, and the policies that have been followed openly and covertly until today, have recently been revealed with the disclosures of Sedat Peker.  Unable to convince even its own base in the face of these revelations, the AKP, which has come to a dead end due to the crisis in every turn especially in the economy, wants to cover up this situation with its dead-end policies towards the Kurdish question, together with the MHP, with which it is allied. For this reason, the AKP is launching cross border operations and trying to ban the HDP. The claims that AKP made regarding the HDP sending delegations to the KCK is another one of their games.
Speaking about the political pressure applied domestically on the Kurds as well as North and East Syria and Federated Kurdistan and if these operations can solve the Kurdish question, Ahmet Türk said: "Not possible. It is obvious that in this 21st century, policies of pressure, threat, intimidation and destruction will not yield any results. In today's world, they are trying to exert pressure as much as they can at a time when technology and communication is ever developing while the world is getting smaller and smaller.  But how far does this go? As a result of these policies, we are walking towards our future. That's how I see it. I see this as the last phase of the attack on the Kurds. Where will they go beyond that? Beyond that, I don't know how much more pressure they will create. They say; We are living in a dark period where there is a transition to the light. How long does the dark period last? Of course, this depends a little on our organization, our organized structure.There are many things we can do in order not to prolong this period by raising the awareness of the society and organizing this policy. It is necessary to make the organized structure stronger. The people of Turkey need to face the facts about this issue, which of course will conduce to a short duration of this dark period."
Mentioning the relationship of KDP with Turkey, Türk said: "In this regard, we have made great efforts to bring the Kurds together around a national conference. I also took part in the works, but unfortunately we could not realize it and not being able to create a unity caused so much pain. If the Kurdish politicians, all Kurdish NGOs and those who are involved in politics in the name of Kurds have reached a common ground and stood up to them together, things would be much different." Underlining that a conflict might erupt between the Kurds, Türk said: "We are following the developments closely. Barzani once promised that 'A kurd will never draw a gun on another Kurd. KDP and Mr. Barzani should remember this promise. A joint commission must be established to overcome these problems. The reasons for the events and these latest developments need to be investigated, and if necessary, we should express this mistake very clearly and apologize to each other. If we have wronged each other, we have e responsibility to make it up to each other. However, this does not look likely. Some Kurds are still under the influence of the Turkish state. They are incapable of pursuing an independent politics. This makes the solution of the problems much complicated."
Ömer Çelik - Mehmet Erol / MA