Turkey's relationship based on self-interest with KDP


HEWLER - Working with Turkey against the PKK , the KDP signed military-economic agreements and carried out joint operations, with its approximately 12 thousand soldiers in the Federated Region today, legitimates Turkey's claims that it is fighting the PKK, not the Kurds.

The cross-border operation launched by the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) against Metina, Avaşin and Zap in the Federated Kurdistan Region on April 23 reached its 50th day. Within the scope of the operation, which was carried out with mostly aerial bombardment with warplanes and helicopters, it is stated that there is military shipment to Zendura and Koordine Hills and there are intense clashes with the HPG.
Zêrewanî and Gulan forces were deployed to the operation zone by the KDP, which were trained by Turkey. KDP is being widely criticized after Turkish media broadcasted footage that these forces participated in the operation. These developments brought the KDP- TUrkey relations back into the agenda.
The relationship between the KDP and Turkey, which has become even more friendly recently dates back to the 60's. n the event known as the "Saitler Incident" in history, the General Secretary of the Kurdistan Democratic Party of Turkey (TKDP), Sait Elçi, disappeared with two of his friends in Qumrî. Accused of the murder of the ambassador and two of his friends, Dr. Sait Kırmızıtoprak (Dr. Şivan) was executed together with Hikmet Buluttekin (Çeko) and Hasan Yıkmış (Brusk) by the KDP and MIT in Bamerni. This was the first encounter of KDP and Turkey.
Ziya Avcı, a comrade of Sait Elçi, mentioned how Derweşê Sado, head of T-KDP was involved in the killing of Dr. Şıvan years later and said: "As you know Derweşê Sado himself told people in many cases that he was instructed by İdris Barzani and Turkish intelligence regarding the killing of Dr. Şıvan.."
The KDP's relations with Turkey began to be seen more clearly after the PKK's attacks on the Semdinli and Eruh districts of Siirt on August 15, 1984. Starting from this date, the KDP started making anti-propaganda against the PKK and asked the tribes close to it in Van and Hakkari to become village guards and fight together with Turkey against the PKK. As a result of KDP's Salman Sindi reporting 8 PKK members in Şırnak's Şikefta Kera district in April 1985, 1 PKK member lost his life and 7 of them were caught alive.
Following its relationship with Turkey, some of the KDP's activities against the PKK were as follows:
“* On August 17, 1985, the KDP killed PKK member Hamit Avcı in the village of Edibe in Zagros and delivered the body to Turkey.
* Mesut Barzani's adviser Muhsin Dizayi went to Istanbul for the first time officially on 8 March 1991 on a Syrian Airways plane and met with MIT Undersecretary Teoman Koman and Undersecretary of Foreign Affairs Ambassador Tugay Özçeri. With the confidential meeting held at the Ankara Palas Hotel, decisions were made to cooperate against the PKK.
* As a result of its relationship with the KDP, Turkish intelligence began to organize all over the Federated Kurdistan, starting with Zaxo. Joint military and intelligence commissions were established. The commissions are still working today on border security and the removal of the PKK from the region.
* KDP officials opened an office in Ankara on the day of the murder of People's Labor Party (HEP) Diyarbakır Provincial Chairman Vedat Aydın, who was murdered by JİTEM on July 5, 1991. At the same time, Turkey gave Mesut Barzani a diplomatic passport. 
* With the "Hammer Force" operation, a NATO project, the KDP-Turkey relations deepened even more. Based on the intelligence provided by the KDP, Turkey intensified its aerial bombardment in Federated Kurdistan in 1991. Then, on May 6, 1992, with the support of the KDP, it launched a major ground operation in the Behdinan area.
* After the ground operation, on 8 June 1992, KDP member Xoşyar Zebari visited Ankara. Following the visit of Xosyar Zebari, an extension decision was made in the session of the Regional Parliament on June 28 for Hammer Power to remain in the region.
* In 1992, Sadiq Omer, Ali Şaban and Hüseyin Axa, who were close to the PKK, living in the Federated Region were killed by the KDP on different dates. All three had visited PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan.
* KDP handed over PKK member Salman Alagöz, who was captured on 17 August 1992, to Turkey in Çukurca district of Hakkari.
* On October 2, 1992, the KDP and Turkey launched a joint operation called "Operation Sweeping" against the PKK.
* The KDP also supported the "Steel Operation" launched by Turkey on March 19, 1995.
* In order to liquidate the PKK, a meeting was held in Ankara in October 1996 with the participation of the USA, UK, Turkey, KDP and Turkmen representatives. 
* In October 1996, a meeting was held in Ankara with the participation of representatives of the USA, England, Turkey, KDP and Turkmen for the liquidation of the PKK and the "Dublin Agreement" was signed. After this treaty, on May 14, 1997, Turkey launched the biggest operation in the history of Turkey, called "Operation Hammer," against the PKK in Federated Kurdistan with the participation of 200 thousand soldiers. The KDP actively participated in this operation as well. The targeting of wounded PKK members in Hewler on May 16, 1997 went down in history as the "Hewler Massacre".
* Turkey, together with the KDP, launched a new operation, this time called "Operation Dawn", between September 25 and October 15, 1997.
* As a result of the agreement reached with the KDP in 1997, Turkey permanently settled in Federated Kurdistan with its military. As of today, it is estimated that nearly 12 thousand TAF members are located in the Federated Kurdistan Region.
* In May 1998, Turkey launched the "Murat Operation" against the PKK with the participation of KDP peshmerga in Federated Kurdistan.
* In order to make the KDP-Turkey relations more strategic, the Washington Agreement was signed between the KDP and YNK (Yektiya Niştimanî Kurdistan - Patriotic Union of Kurdistan) on 17 September 1998 under the leadership of the USA. As a result of this agreement, the international conspiracy against Öcalan was started.
* In May 1999, Turkey launched an operation against the PKK in Federated Kurdistan with the participation of KDP peshmerga, under the name "Operation Sandwich".
* On 17 December 2007, Turkey carried out an airstrike against Qandil with 54 F-16 warplanes, within the scope of the intelligence information provided by the US from the air and the KDP from the ground. Subsequently, a new ground operation against Zap was launched on 21-29 February 2008 under the name of "Operation Solar". The Turkish Armed Forces suffered a great loss in this operation.
* On November 5, 2007, a meeting was held in Washington between then Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and US President Bush. After this meeting, an agreement was signed between the KDP and Turkey in November 2008 as a continuation of the 'Solar Movement' operation. With this agreement, which aimed to liquidate the PKK in 6 months, Turkish Special Forces and Peshmerga were deployed to strategic places in the region.
* On December 21, 2009, then AKP Interior Minister Beşir Atalay visited Regional President Mesut Barzani in Hewlêr. After this visit, a number of commercial agreements were signed, such as the transportation of oil and gas from the region to Turkey.
* The "Revolutionary People's War" and the "Rojava Revolution" initiated by the PKK in 2012 brought the KDP and Turkey closer together.
* Following the establishment of the Kurdish Supreme Council in Rojava, on 1 August 2012, then Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu hastily visited Hewler and met with Mesut Barzani. 7 days after the meeting, Rudaw television, which is known to be close to the KDP, announced that it had decided to act together with Turkey against the PKK.
* On September 2, 2012, a confidential meeting was held between Turkey and the KDP in Hewler. Turkey stated that it supports the participation of Syrian Kurds in the Syrian National Council (ENKS) and the sending of peshmerga forces to Rojava to oppose the YPG.
* On January 2, 2013, the KDP closed the Sêmelka Border Gate under its control. While PYD officials were making great efforts to open the border, KDP representative Eli Ewni made a statement on 10 August 2013, and said: "PYD can open another door for itself".
* The Prime Minister of the time, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, and the KDP President, Mesud Barzani, met in Diyarbakir on 16 November 2013. At the meeting, it was reflected in the press that  Erdoğan and Barzani came to an agreement on 4 items. The agreed topics were as follows: "Barzani will continue to support the peace process. The KDP will not allow the de facto administration that the PYD wants to establish in northern Syria (Rojava). Federated Kurdistan oil will be marketed to the world through Turkey and two more border gates will be opened parallel to the Habur Border Gate."
Since 2015, the KDP has been trying to present itself as the only Kurdish power in the region, saying that PKK and Kurds are two seperate groups, saying that they are fighting the PKK not the Kurds. KDP has been trying to legitimize this thesis and normalize the attack on Kurds, conducting diplomacy and propaganda work in this direction in the international arena.
MA / Erdoğan Altan