HDP indictment not given to lawyers on instruction from Chief Prosecutor

ANKARA - The lawyers who requested the indictment against the HDP regarding the law suit to ban the party was told, "There is a strict order of the Chief Prosecutor, no information or document will be given."
The new indictment prepared by the Chief Public Prosecutor of the Supreme Court Bekir Şahin demanding the closure of the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) was sent to the Constitutional Court (AYM) on 7 June. HDP Law Commission members of the HDP applied to the Supreme Court Chief Public Prosecutor's Office to be given the indictment. The Chief Proseucutor's Office said, "There is a strict order of the Chief Prosecutor, no information or document will be given."
The lawyers whom we spoke to regarding the issue, told that the previous indictment was leaked to pro-government media and said: "“The Office of the Chief Prosecutor is acting arbitrarily. We think that he has now taken such a decision, since the deficiencies in the indictment is being discussed after the previous indictment was leaked to press."
MA / Zemo Ağgöz