Öcalan: AKP created its own 'Special Gladio'

İSTANBUL - PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan, who stated that the AKP created its own 'Special Gladio' with the Dolmabahçe Agreement signed in 2007, said, "Today's 'Special Gladio' is an operation against the 'Autonomous Gladio'.
The relationship between the state-mafia-politics, which was resurfaced with the confessions of state-affiliated gang leader Sedat Peker, is on the agenda all over the world. The evaluations of PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan, who has been under aggravated isolation in İmralı Type F High Security Prison for 22 years, regarding the state-mafia-politics relations are still up-to-date today. Öcalan stated that he got the codes of these organizations from the Committee of Union and Progress and stated that these structures are the biggest obstacles to the solution of the Kurdish problem.
Öcalan's book called "Democratization Problems in Turkey, Solution Models in Kurdistan (Road Map)" includes extensive analysis on the state- mafia- politics relations. Emphasizing that no country or state can be independent in a kapitalist modernity system, Öcalan draws attention to the fact that Turkey is the most dependent state because of the spesificity of Anatolia. Stating that The Gladio organization, which lost its importance after the cold war, was influential in Turkey until 2007 due to the PKK. Öcalan said, "The NATO Gladio, which operates under various names in Turkey, does not give a chance to democracy even in the bourgeois sense. The gang war within the state aggravates social problems far beyond than what people knows. It crushes the smallest democratic movement. It considers a possible democratic movement as its own end.”
Pointing out that the Republic of Turkey was founded on the wreckage of the imperial crisis that deepened by the Committee of Union and Progress, which resulted in fragmentation and destruction, Öcalan said, “The Republic project was a project of modernity. It was tried to be implemented with the approval of the Western hegemonic powers in Lausanne. It should be emphasized that; It is not the personal weight of Atatürk, which became dominant after 1926, but the step-by-step takeover of the Republic by the Unionist cadre, the experience of institutionalizing the fascist mentality on the basis of extreme nation-stateism. Atatürk's very clear policy of keeping the army out of politics and establishing the rule of law, rejecting the principles of class and clan, and independence and freedom abroad was frustrated by the conspiracy and concession policies by the staff surrounding him, and this policy has been tried to be carried out with coups until today. However there are struggles in the history of Turkey to keep the state as a state, the most important of these struggles is Mustafa Kemal's construction of the Republic."
In a speech he gave on a television program on November 18, 1996, Öcalan referred to the fact that the gangs had swallowed up the state, society and capital, and said: "If you pay attention you will see that Ömer Lüfti Topal is referred to as the king of casinos. He had a lot of money. They shot him and took it. There are hundreds of examples like this. These sources are running dry now. It would be better if I tell you an assessment of TÜSİAD's president, Mr. Halis Komili (who served as TÜSİAD president between 1993-1997). Maybe it will happen again, but it is important because it will reveal some facts. He says that the sultan's men came and took a son of a villager for war, asked for the second one, and he gave them his second son. When they came for the third son, he said: "Tell the sultan he should not depend on me to wage this war!" TUSİAD President said that. And it is quite realistic. This war can not continue relying on the capital."
n his meeting with his lawyers on 31 December 2003, Öcalan refers to the following points: “NATO Gladio did not even allow democracy in the bourgeois sense. The existing one was a guided democracy, which is subject to coups every 10 years. The 1971 and 82 coups were Gladio coups. Right-left conflicts, counter-guerrilla, Güreş-Çiller coup and gangs like Hezbollah that took over the state. It is a huge organization. This huge organization belongs to those who murdered ten thousand people. The state has a reaction against the hitmans but ignores the organization behind them. Alparslan Türkeş's son Yıldırım Tuğrul Türkeş allied with Tansu Çiller. Where is Mahmut Yıldırım? They were getting paid by the government. Mehmet Ağar says he will talk if he is persued. They can cause any kind of damage anywhere."
In his meeting with his lawyers on February 2, 2011, Öcalan emphasized that with the Dolmabahçe Agreement signed between Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and Chief of General Staff Yaşar Büyükanıt on May 4, 2007, an agreement was made regarding the genocide of the Kurds. . Stating that this agreement paved the way for the AKP to create its own private Gladio, Öcalan warns: “What is happening today is the operation of the AKP's 'Special Gladio' against the 'Autonomous Gladio', which was formed by the Güreş- Çiller Coup in the 90's. You say Gladio was not liquidated, it was renewed. Can we say that AKP is forming its own deep state? Yes we can. But it is not necessary to refer to it as the deep state. It is Gladio. Special Gladio. They say some commanders tried to prevent the army from carrying out an air attack against the PKK and that these commanders were sued for it. They are accused of preventing the war with the PKK. Those are the ones who think that war will not give any results, however thet are portrayed as those who wanted war."
MA / Ferhat Çelik