Turkey exploits the territories it enters with its military

URFA - Turkey siezed the olives in the city of Efrin in North Syria, the wheat in Girê Spî and the barley in Serêkaniyê which it entered with its military claiming there is PKK in these cities. Now it is cutting the trees and moving the woods in Federated Kurdistan region with the same pretext.
The operation carried out by the Turkish Armed Forces (TAF) against Metîna, Zap and Avaşin on April 23 from air and land is on its 46th day. When the Turkish Armed Forces had difficulties in landing troops and settling there, it started using forces affiliated with Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) and the remnants of ISIS paramilitaries. The settlements allegedly purchased from the KDP for 49 years are depopulated with the operation. In the region where paramilitary forces are tried to be deployed, trees are cut down and marketed through Turkish companies.
Agricultural lands, vineyards and gardens, which are the livelihoods of the people of the region, are bombed. The plunder, extortion, ransom and rape carried out in Afrin, Girê Sipî and Serêkaniye, which Turkey had previously entered with paramilitary forces, were reflected in the reports of international organizations, including the United Nations (UN). Turkey, which siezed olives, barley and wheat in the cities of Northern Syria, now continues the same method with the trees it cut in the Federated Kurdistan Region. 
With the "border security" and "prosperity" propaganda, Turkey took Afrin under its control with the "Operation Olive Branch" on January 20, 2018, and the cities of Serêkaniye and Girê Sipî in Northern and Eastern Syria with the "Operation Peace Spring" on October 9, 2019. . Turkey has made its attacks against all three cities carried out by paramilitary groups named the Free Syrian Army (FSA) and the Syrian National Army (SMO), which consists of the remnants of ISIS. Turkey's promises of "welfare and security" lead to plunder, rape, ransom, kidnapping and many other crimes against humanity. Xakurke and Heftanin regions with the "Claw 1,2,3" operation last year continue the attacks they launched against the Federated Kurdistan Region this year with the "Claw Lightning" and "Claw Thunderbolt" operations. In addition to the destruction of nature in the region, the economic savings of the people are seized as a result of the operations 
Deploying forces to Zap, Avaşin and Metîna, Turkey cuts down the trees in the forest with SFA and rangers affiliated with it. 47 villages were emptied as a result of the air strikes of Turkey in Bêgova and Dêrekar towns in Duhok's Zaxo district.
Turkey siezed the olives in Efrin which it entered with its military and sold it as 'Turkish olive oil' to European Union (EU) member countries. Swiss Conservative Democratic Party Member of Parliament Bernhard Guhl brought the allegations that the olive brought to Turkey from Afrin, where Turkey was carrying out a military operation, was processed and sold to EU countries, on the parliamentary agenda.
The attempt to seize and plunder the property continued by siezing the wheat in Girê Sipî. Turkey transported 20 thousand tons of harvested and stored grain to TMO's warehouses in Urfa. It is not known from whom the wheat in question was bought and to whom it was sold to. With the opening of Ceylanpınar Customs Gate on 28 August 2020, barley was transported to Turkey. In the review report of the Syria Investigation Commission established by the United Nations (UN), covering the period between 11 January and 1 July 2020, the systematic looting and forcible confiscation of private property in Serêkaniyê by paramilitary groups called SMO, as well as the arbitrary deprivation of liberty and violations were documented.