Maçin: Kurds must expose the invasion in South Kurdistan

URFA - Criticizing the support of the KDP to the operation carried out by the TSK, HDP's Nusrettin Öaçin said: "If the Kurdish people do not expose this invasion in the streets, worse days are ahead of us."
The cross-border operation of the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) against the Federated Kurdistan Region continues with fierce clashes. In the operation that started on April 23, in which the TSK could not make any progress. the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP)'s military shipment to Metina on June 5 increased the tension. As a result of the attack on an armored vehicle during this military shipment, 5 peshemerga lost their lives and 4 were injured.
Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Urfa MP Nusrettin Maçin criticized the KDP's military shipment and called for Kurdish national unity against the attacks.
Stating that the attacks against Afrin on January 20, 2018, as a result of the AKP-MHP government's anti-Kurdish policies, are continuing in the Federated Kurdistan Region today, Maçin said, "They are attacking the region and say that it is an operation against the PKK. But the aim is not the PKK, but to occupy Rojava and Southern Kurdistan. For this reason, the Kurds and Kurdish movement should expose the occupation.”
Reminding the statement of Kurdish politician Edhem Barzani who said, "It is time for the alarm bells to start ringing. We have to approach to this situation seriously", Maçin said: "Turkey is invading 30-40 kilometers into the Southern territory, building military bases there, carrying out attacks but the South Kurdistan and Iraqi government remains silent. The South administration must know this. When Turkish government makes its way into someone elses territory, it doesn't leave. Edhem Barzani has been screaming this from the roof tops. If the Kurdish people do not expose this on the streets, worst days are ahead of us. The Kurdish movement must realize the danger we face. It should do something about it with the people."
Underlining that Kurdish national unity must be ensured in the face of this attack, Maçin said: "Political forces in the South should tell about the occupation. If the Kurds achieve their alliance and become a single voice, this voice will be heard everywhere. Friends of the Kurds will also raise their voices. Southern Kurdistan and Northern Kurdistan, the two dynamic forces of the national unity, should take the lead in this regard."