Kurdish business people commemorated: Murderers must be held to account

İSTANBUL - Speaking at the commemoration held at the graves of murdered Kurdish business people Savaş Buldan, Hacı Karay and Adnan Yıldırım, HDP Co-Chairs stated that the identity of the murderers were known and they must be held accountable.
Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Co-Chairs Pervin Buldan and Mithat Sancar attended the commemoration of Kurdish business people Savaş Buldan, Hacı Karay and Adnan Yıldırım who were kidnapped from a hotel in the Yeşilköy district of İstanbul and found dead two days later. HDP deputies, provincial and district organizations, Party Assembly (PM) and Central Executive Committee (MYK) members, families and loved ones of Yıldırım and Karay, Saturday Mothers, Peace Mothers and many people attended the commemoration. Families who left carnations on their graves.
Thanking the people who attended the commoration, Buldan said: "27 years ago, these beautiful people were murdered by gangs with the knowledge and approval of the state. They were taken from the Çınar Hotel on 3 June. Those who kidnapped them was the police, wearing police uniform, carrying police radio. They were tortured to death and their bodies were found on the banks of the Melen Stream in the Yığılca district of Bolu. We know who killed them. They didn't even bother to deny it. They told that they were carrying out an operation on behalf of the Turkish state. Their names are there in the state archives."
Buldan made the following assessments regarding the confessions of state-affiliated gang leader Sedat Peker: “These are not ordinary statements. They confessed that Mehmet Ağar is behind the murders of Savaş Buldan, Adnan Yıldırım, Hacı Karay, Musa Anter, Ferhat Tepe, Mehmet Sincar and thousands of others. We see that those who rule the country are not taking any action about this. We will not be bling. We will not be deaf. We will not be mute. We will continue to demand that these people be held to account. Mehmet Ağar and his team, and Tansu Çiller must be held accountable before a judge. The Turkish state owes us an apology. We will continue to wait for that apology and wait for the prosecution of the killers.
Speaking after Buldan, HDP Co-Chair Mithat Sancar  expressed his condolences to the families and loved ones and said, “We know how these 3 beautiful people were murdered. We could deduce from the past experiences and the information of that day that this was the organized work of the state. The whole world and the country learned what we know, at the latest, after the Susurluk accident. The struggle for justice continues to this day. The understanding and policy put into effect that day was a policy of all-out-war against the Kurds which stems from ignoring the existance of Kurds. As part of those policies of total annihilation, Kurdish business people, intellectuals, writers, politicians, people on the street were murdered. Tens of thousands of unsolved murders were committed. We know the perpetrators. Although we do not know the individual shooters, we know how these murders were organized and for what purpose. As a result of the policy of total war and destruction put into practice in those days, they brutally murdered 3 of our beautiful people. These people were not just killed, they were tortured to death. Their resentment, anger and hostility are so deep that they are not content with killing, they have committed these murders by inflicting excruciating pain on them and their loved ones.”
Underlining that their wound is still bleeding, Sancar said: "The only way for this wound to be healed is through truth and justice. Our struggle is for today and tomorrow. In order to save today and tomorrow, we need to reveal the truth about the past and relieve the pain caused by these crimes. Those who think that there is a statute of limitations for these crimes are wrong. Courts in Turkey may not yield results, but we will do our best for this. We will continue the struggle for justice on every platform. All the information, confessions and revelations that have emerged now reveal that the murderers and those who commit crimes against humanity no longer have the opportunity to hide it. Now we have to shoulder the struggle for justice. On behalf of my party, I would like to thank everyone who came here for the commemoration. I bow respectfully before the memories of my brothers Savaş Buldan, Hacı Karay and Adnan Yıldırım and wish them mercy.”
The commemoration ended following the speeches.