Combat pilot Altan: Wouldn't those who execute prisoners of war use chemical weapons?

İSTANBUL -  Evaluating the article of Morning Star Newspaper about TSK using chemical weapons in Federated Kurdistan, Combat pilot Bahadır Altan reminded that a phosphorus bomb was used in Rojava before, and said: "Wouldn't those who execute prisoners of war, posing for photos with severed heads, use chemical weapons?"
The military operation launched by the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) on April 23 against the Zap, Metîna and Avaşîn regions in the Federated Kurdistan Region continues. British newspaper Morning Star reported that the TSK used chemical weapons in this operation. The news in question was supported by photos and comments from people witnessing the incident.
Bahadır Altan, who has been a combat pilot for many years, evaluated these allegations and Turkey's goals.
Pointing out that Turkey's aggressive policy is nothing new, Altan said, "Every time the government gets stuck, it announces that it had found natural gas or oil or escalates the tension with it's neighbors or start an operation in Northern Iraq.
Emphasizing the resources allocated to the Ministry of National Defense and armament, Altan attributed this to the "war machines produced by relative companies". Reminding that the government always respons to these citicism by saying a government can't economize defense, Altan said: "The" strategy experts who appear on the screens always point out this. For example, retired General of the Air Force, Erdogan Karakus often speaks of the need to buy weapons for our deterrence against Greece or the S-400s. People who grew up with the NATO concept cannot think otherwise! Deterrence, armament, striking elements, defense systems, intelligence etc. They insistently say that "hostility between states is permanent."
One of the most prominent items that Turkey produces and is proud to produce is UAVs and armed UAVs and so on. Emphasizing that they are war equipment, Altan said, “For example, Turkey makes financial donations to Ukraine. With that money, Ukraine buys armed UAVs from the company of the groom of Erdoğan which means that money is transferred to AKP followes without even going to Ukraine. The people close to government always manages to somehow get that money while the debt of the people increases on a daily basis. To camouflage this, the government needs a nationalist valor, a war. If the people figures out that in the case of this money being spent on vaccines, health, supporting the people, their bubble will burst. This is why they have to incite the hostility towards the Kurds and feed their own interests. War itself is a trigger for economic crisis. If the people sees it, the government will fall. This is why they need war at all times."
Underlining that the gap between peoples are getting deeper and wider with every operation, Altan said: "These operations drags us away from a permanent peace. This is the goal of the government. Peace would end the reign of all turn out to be mafia, nationalist- fascist government. Brotherhood and class solidarity among peoples is the only way to end this. That is why they are trying to undermine this and deepen hostilities with operations."
Stating that the permanent thing is friendship between peoples, Altan said that humanity only needs this. Stating that the easy and cheap thing is to develop friendships with neighbors, Altan said, “Then do you need so many weapons? Think of a Turkey that has solved the Kurdish issue, think of brotherly peoples living peacefully on a just democratic ground. This is not difficult at all, as long as we get rid of the governments fed by the war. War is really an expensive public health problem."
Mentioning the article in the Morning Star Newspaper, Altan said: "A ill willed government is capable of doing anything for their interests with a media that carefully hides the facts from the public, where self-censorship is unlimited even in the opposition press. 
Reminding that the TSK had used phosphorus in Rojava before and this was reflected in the reports, Altan said: “But the reports were denied. It is not possible for me to draw a conclusion from the images of bombs exploding on the ground in Iraq. But there are undeniable images of soldiers I have seen that are proof to war crimes. I hesitate to tell you what I have seen in case a minor reads this. There are countless examples of those who took alive prisoners and executed them, and those who posed with brutally cut heads. And these barbaric acts are not limited with cross border operations. Same things were done in Cize and Şırnak back in 2015-16 by Special Operations and jihadists gangs recruited from Syria. Wouldn't the people who were capable of doing all these, use chemical weapons? The people who fire a mortar on children, and their commanders who gave this order, are capable of doing anything. This kind of thing was done by the US soldiers in Vietnam. Nowadays Israel is doing it in Gaza. Military operations, even wars have agreements and universal rules signed by states such as the Geneva Convention. But, after all these years, the world should have reached a more positive place in terms of such values ​​and rules, unfortunately, it is the opposite. If the international public opinion doesn't take action to do somoething about it, all fascist- nationalist actors in all countries will get stronger. The world needs a new 'Peace Movement' just like the one in the 68's"
MA / Ferhat Çelik