Gergerlioğlu's 'Justice Watch' to continue in Kocaeli

  • actual
  • 16:13 19 April 2021
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KOCAELİ -  HDP Kocaeli Provincial Organization took over the "Justice Watch" initiated by Ömer Faruk Gergerlioğlu, who was arrested after being stripped of from his status as MP.
Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Kocaeli Provincial Organization took over the "Justice Watch" on its 34th day, which was initiated by Ömer Faruk Gergerlioğlu, who was arrested after he was stripped of from his status as an MP. With a press release held in the HDP provincial building it was announced that the 'Justice Watch' will continue at the party building. While attandance is limited with 3 people due to Covid- 19 pandemic, it was learned that many non-governmental organizations will be visiting in the upcoming days.
Underlining that Gergerlioğlu was stripped of from his status as an MP illegally, HDP Provincial Manager Selda İlgöz said: "He wanted us to continue the watch when he was being taken to prison and to stand with those who are wronged. This is the 34th day of the Justice Watch and his 17th day in prison. We will continue the Justice Watch from where he left off.
Underlining that they are the friends and constituents of Gergerlioğlu, İlgöz said: "We need justice just like we need food and water. We are those who risk being targeted because we demand a dignified life in a country ruled by law. We are not just from HDP, we are the equal citizens who need the rule of law. We are the constituents that wait by the ballots until the morning to prevent the votes from being stolen. And despite all of these, trustees were appointed to our municipalities when they couldn't beat us at the elections."
Stating that they took over the Justice Watch initiated by Gergerlioğlu, who was unjustly and unlawfully arrested, İlgöz said, "We emphasize once again that we will not give up the struggle for peace and justice by stating that all the oppressed who suffer injustice need human rights, democracy and justice more than ever right now."
İlgöz called on the people of Kocaeli and non-governmental organizations to continue the watch together.