Aydeniz: Opposition that doesn't approach the Kurdish problem with courage can not come to power

  • actual
  • 13:44 17 April 2021
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MERSİN - Stating that the opposition parties have not taken any concrete steps regarding the solution of the Kurdish problem, DBP Co-Chair Saliha Aydeniz said, "The opposition that does not approach the Kurdish issue with courage does not have chance to be in power’’.
The Justice and Development Party's (AKP) anti- democratic practices  are resulting in further deepening of polarization in society. The AKP continues to use coups to maintain the future of its power and to consolidate the society in line with its interests. The AKP tried to re-design the society in line with its interests, accusing the admirals, who had warned against withdrawing from the Montreux Convention. Unable to design a society with anti-democratic practices, the AKP also continues its hostile policies towards women. If President Recep Tayyip Erdogan withdraws from the Istanbul Convention, which was won as a result of the women's struggle, with a single signature, most of the rights that have been gained will be lost.
Criticisms against parties that do not fulfill their opposition role and cannot form an alternative to power continue. One of the main criticism against the opposition is their failure to assume their responsibility in solving the Kurdish Porblem. DBP Co-Chair Saliha Aydeniz, who was in the delegation that held meetings for 9 days with the motto "We are organizing against fascism" of Democratic Society Congress (DTK) and Democratic Regions Party (DBP) in Çukurova,  made evaluations about why the AKP continues to play the victim when it is stuck, its withdrawal from the Istanbul Convention, and why the opposition did not create an alternative to the government.
Evaluating the Justice and Development Party - Nationalist Movement Party’s (AKP-MHP) alliance as a "fascist alliance", Aydeniz said that this alliance came together to expose the policies it has carried out to suppress the society, especially the Kurds. She said that they got together with the public to expose the policies which the AKP-MHP alliance had carried out. Underlining that they have to fight back to stop the "fascist system" to be institutionalized, Aydeniz stated that they aim to form a line of struggle by meeting with the people against the policies of the government declaring the whole society as "terrorists". Reminding that the Kurds, whose villages burned down in the 90s and forced migration, came to Çukurova because they had to, Aydeniz said: "We have seen that our people here never succumb to oppression. We have seen the reality of a people whose language and culture was forbidden, whose right to life was violated.  We have also seen that the pressure policies implemented have not reached their goals. We witnessed that the people did not give up their struggle for freedom. In the meetings, it was demanded that the isolation imposed on Mr. Abdullah Öcalan to be lifted for the solution of the Kurdish problem through democratic means and it was said that the address is Mr. Öcalan."
Aydeniz referring to the AKP playing the victim and declaring every move of the opposition a coup in line with their interests, said: "Turkey's history is the history of coups. AKP-MHP is a government that has staged political coups for the last six years. Those who criticize the AKP's policies and oppose it are called putschists, while in fact, they are a government that constantly makes coups. In other words, they evaluated the coup in 2015 as a blessing from God. Since that day, they have been milking the coup attempt to stage more coups. The only reason for this is for them to maintain their power."
Stating that the AKP created artificial agendas with the coup rhetoric, Aydeniz said, "Artificial agendas are constantly being created due to the democratic solution of the Kurdish problem. They have been carrying out uninterrupted political coups for the last six years." Aydeniz mentioning the issue of the opposition's inability to form an alternative in Turkey, "Unfortunately, there are no alliances that can embrace the whole society in Turkey. First of all, opposition parties need the courage to be in power. There is two alliances in Turkey. These two alliances do not embrace Turkey. That's why we need to build the third path. The democratic alliance needs to be established and embrace all segments of socity.
Underlining that the opposition needs courage and hope for a democratic ground, Aydeniz said: "The opposition in Turkey must have the courage to solve the Kurdish problem through democratic means and methods. The opposition needs to be aware of the language, culture and demands of the Kurdish people. They talk about the Kurdish problem, but what do they say about Mr. Abdullah Öcalan? The Kurdish people have been repeating that they do not accept the isolation on PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan. They repeted their demand for status and language. Now the opposition must stop stalling the Kurdish people and trying to trick them into voting for them and take action immediately. What are they thinking about the isolation on Mr. Öcalan? What are they saying about the Kurdish language being an official language and taught in schools? Do they have any projects on what the ststus of the Kurdish people will be? THe Kurdish people need to hear them clearly."
Stressing that the Kurdish problem cannot be solved through security policies, Aydeniz said, “The Kurds do not give up their rights through war, repression and intimidation. This should be seen now. Therefore, the opposition should undertsand this perspective. The stance of the Kurdish people determines the politics in Turkey. The Kurds are an important political actor both in TUrkey and in the Middle East.If the opposition aims to come to power, they have to respond clearly to the demands of the Kurds. An opposition that does not approach the Kurdish problem with courage, can not come to power."
MA / Mehmet Şah Oruç - Hamdullah Kesen