Fazıl Say to CHP: You are afraid of a 40-year-old Kurdish problem


NEWS CENTER - Pianist and composer Fazıl Say, who criticized the CHP, said: "You are afraid of the government! You are afraid to reach out to the younger generation and you are afraid of a 40-year-old Kurdish problem!" 

Pianist and composer Fazıl Say criticized the CHP with his post on his Instagram account. Say said: "A humble criticism of the CHP" which continues as follows: "Whenever I watch an discussion program on Halk TV, whenever I see the headline of Sözcü newspaper remotely in a grocery store, whenever I see a CHP member talking on a TV channel, I always have the same feelings; Fear! Fear, fear…"
Fear is a bad thing. Fear starts within itself. And, unfortunately, it is the opposite of love, those who are not brave, cannot love. Those who are not brave cannot win. You cannot win, my brothers and sisters! You are also too afraid to win! You are afraid of power! You are afraid of reaching out to the the younger generation and the 40-year-old Kurdish problem!
You cannot defend secularism with this fear. Someone who can not defend secularism is supposed to defend the women? 'The best of your ability'. But this is not something like that. The pandemic, all of these mistakes, the situation Turkey's in.. All of it..You have never understood Atatürk, unfortunately, you are 100 years behind Atatürk, which you do not understand as well, and you are 100 light-years behind in terms of fear. Atatürk is way ahead of you, even more ahead of you than you think. Because he was 'not afraid'. Fear is measured in light-years.
You are in the age of fear. And, unfortunately, you reflect it to us and you melt us down. It is the real reason why you do not give hope in this country, especially to young people and women; it is this fear.
I have only one piece of advice my brothers and sisters; Increase the number of those who are not afraid within you. Young people are brave, women are brave, increase their numbers. Let the fear go. Come to us with brave people. Stop being so stuck. Throw your troubles away. Take a breath. Breathe! Reassure us!"