Journalists finished their defense statements: I am imprisoned for exposing torture


VAN - Making her defense statement, Journalist Şehriban Abi asked if being a journalist is a crime while Cemil Uğur said: "I am imprisoned for exposing the torture. This is not a crime."

The hearing of the trial against Mezopotamya Agency (MA) reporters Adnan Bilen and Cemil Uğur, Jinnews reporter Şehriban Abi, journalist Nazan Sala and MA reporter Zeynep Durgut, who was tried without arrest, on the allegation of "being a member of an illegal organization" continues at the 5th High Criminal Court of Van. After Bilen and Sala, other journalists made their defense statements.
Underlining that Jinnews is an official news agency, Şehriban Abi said: "They prepared the indictment against us 5 months later than our arrest. I made news about women and children being abused. Is this a crime? There is no evidence against me that proves I am a 'member of a terrorist organization'.
Abi responded to the judge that asked about the notebook confiscated from her and said: "I am a journalist. I use the notebook as a phonebook in case my phone is lost or broken. I don't know who is or isn't a member of any organization."
Imprisoned journalist Cemil Uğur said: "I am a journalist and journalism is on trial here. The indictment underlines that we only make news of social incidents and don't do sports or magazine.However we were the ones to photograph the Van earthquake. Mesopotamia Agency is an official news agency. They asked me about my phone call with a source. I was arrested because I exposed the two villagers thrown from a military helicopter. This is not a crime. Our sources are the hospital reports and the statements of witnesses. News of this kind of torture. carries high public interest."
Underlining that journalists do not have to have a government issued press card, Uğur said: "I have fulfilled my duty as a journalist. I do not accept the charges."
Zeynep Durgut, tried without arrest, attended the hearing via SEBGİS. Pointing out that she was accused of a TV program she made on March 8, Durgut said: "Joining a live call to a TV program can not be constituted as endoursement. I am a journalists. How is reporting the women being murdered a crime? This is unlawful. I write news about women and children. I demand my acquittal."
The hearing continues with the defense statements of the lawyers.