Our obligations will not disappear withdrawing from Istanbul Convention

  • actual
  • 15:55 30 March 2021
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IZMIR – Lawyers registered to the Izmir Bar Association made a statement in front of the Regional Court of Justice against the decision to withdraw from the Istanbul Convention, said "we will not give up our rights."
Lawyers who are members of the Izmir Bar Association made a statement in front of the Regional Court of Justice to protest the annulment of the Istanbul Convention. The statement was read by Perihan Çağrışım Kayadelen who is the Secretary of the Bar Association. Stating that the Presidential decision is irregular and unlawful, Kayadelen said: "The Istanbul Convention, which was accepted in the parliament by the will of the nation, cannot be removed by a Presidential decision. International conventions on fundamental rights and freedoms, which are accepted by law in the parliament are above the law in accordance with Article 90 of the Constitution and cannot be withdrawn from with the decision of a single person."
Kayadelen stated that the termination decision is invalid and Turkey continues to be a party to the Istanbul Convention and has to fulfill the obligations under the convention. Lawyer Kayadelen reminded that they filed a lawsuit to the Council of State for the annulment of the termination process as the bar association and said: "The struggle to stop violence against women and femicides is not only an obligation brought by the Istanbul Convention, but also a Constitutional obligation, especially in Articles 10, 17, and 41. These obligations cannot be abolished by leaving the Istanbul Convention."
Emphasizing the need to produce integrated policies against violence, Kardelen said: "Cultures and traditions of the countries cannot be an excuse for violence against women. Stating that the right to life is the most fundamental human right included in all international conventions, Kayadelen added, "We will not give up our rights. We will continue to follow all women's rights cases for these reasons, to increase the acquired rights of women, to defend them, to stand by women, children, and LGBTI+ individuals against discrimination and male violence, we will continue to be in solidarity and we'll continue to fight back."