Gergerlioğlu: We do not have surrendering in our tradition

  • actual
  • 12:20 30 March 2021
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ANKARA – Ömer Faruk Gergelioğlu stated that he will not surrender and said: "We do not have surrendering in our tradition. That will never change even if we are in prison."

Ömer Faruk Gergerlioğlu, a member of the People’s Democratic Party (HDP), continues the "Justice Watch" on the 14th day at his party's headquarters after his status as an MP was stripped of. The Constitutional Court will discuss the preliminary examination of Gergerlioğlu’s application on March 31. Gergerlioğlu will finish the sit in with a press statement on Wednesday. Refusing to surrender himself, Gergerlioğlu will be waiting at home with his family when the police came to arrest him.
Gergerlioğlu said that  it is interesting that the first examination of both the closure case against his party and the individual application of him will be discussed at the Constitutional Court on March 31, the same day. Gergerlioğlu stated that "Their defeat in the local elections were tragic for them. This is its revenge."
Stating that the Constitutional Court can decide in a very short time if they want, Gergerlioğlu said: "Why doesn’t the Constitutional Court give a decision as soon as possible? It is a decision that could be made in five minutes. But they keep stalling. The Constitutional Court can prevent this shame. What is the constitutional court waiting for?"
Gergerlioğlu stated that he will not be silenced even if he is imprisoned, said: “Those coming after me will continue on my way. We don't have surrendering in our tradition. Kurdish people, human rights advocates and democratic society in Turkey have never surrendered. These are done to me due to my advocacy for human rights, and my ambition for peace for the Kurdish Issue. We will not surrender even we are fired from our jobs, even if the deputies chosen by the people are stripped of from their statuses by the oppressors or we are thrown into prisons. With our righteousness we held a mirror to them. I will conclude my Justice Watch on Wednesday. On the last day, I will be with my family at my home and wait for them to come and pick me up. Our Justice Watch will continue even if we are in prison."
MA / Diren Yurtsever