Boğaziçi University academicians apply to council of state

  • actual
  • 16:17 29 March 2021
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İSTANBUL - Academicians from Boğaziçi University  applied to the council of state for the annulment of the Presidential Decree which enabled for the establishment of law and communication faculties at the university after Melih Bulu was appointed as the rector to Boğaziçi University.

Academicians from Boğaziçi University, demanding the annulment of the decision of President Tayyip Erdoğan who appointed Melih Bulu as the rector, applied also to the Council of State for the suspension and the annulment of the Presidential Decree on the establishment of the law and communication faculties at their university. Making a written statement on the issue; the academicians said 'The authority of Erdoğan used to appoint people to anywhere he wants will cause damages that are difficult or even impossible to compensate in both short and long terms." 
The statement which underlined that the struggle will for a democratic and free university will continue, stated: 'After our first application to the Council of State about the annulment of the decision of presidency taken on 2 January 2011, we applied once again to the Council of State on 22 March of 2011. We applied for the annulment of the decision of the President Decree which was issued on 6 February 2021 to establish two new faculties, Faculty of Law and Faculty of Communications'.
In the statement, it was underlined that the appointment was unconstitutional, and it was pointed out that a step contradicting the law was the two new faculties established at the university. The statement follows as, 'Appointments to establish faculties without the will of the university and opening faculties with decisions made by people instructed from above, does not comply with the constitutional principles and rules. This is clearly against the Higher Education Law, the constitution, and is far from considering the public interest. Therefore, in the second application  we made on 22 March 2021 we requested to stop the execution.'