Turkey's withdrawal from İstanbul Convention brought before PACE

  • actual
  • 11:19 23 March 2021
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ANKARA - HDP's Feleknas Uca, who informed the AKPM Equality and Prevention of Discrimination Commission about the withdrawal from the Istanbul Convention, said: "We will continue our work in every field with our diplomatic activities. This fascist government is null and void as far as the women are concerned."
Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Foreign Relations Commission Co-Vice President and HDP Batman MP Feleknas Uca sent a memo to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe's (AKPM) Equality and Prevention of Discrimination Commission and informed them about the withdrawal of Turkey from the İstanbul Convention. Uca, who had a telephone call with the president, members and many women MPs of the commission, underlined that the withdrawal decision sets a terrible example and is a scandal, and gave the message that this is something the commission must firmly stand against.
Speaking about her communication with the PACE and the decision about the İstanbul Convention, Uca told that the decision she describes as a 'blow' is unlawful. Underlining that Turkey withdrew from the convention at a time when dozens of women are being subjected to male violence and losing their lives as a result, Uca said: "AKP -MHP alliance once again showed us thta they do not stand with the victim, they stand with the killers. This is a government that causes the women to be exposed to violence, oppression and slaughter, and providing immunity to those who commits those crimes. Thousands of women lost their lives at the hand of men in this country and lost their lives."
Underlining that women are dying violent deaths in this country everyday, Uca said: "Everyday women are being exposed to violence, losing their lives as a result or oppressed in another way. Women have come to this day as a result of great struggles, paying enourmous prices, through unprecedented labour and achieved many gains.  The Istanbul Convention is also an important achievement obtained as a result of the struggle of women. However, the government which does not give the women the chance to survive with its misogynist policies did not refrain from usurping that achievement too. The AKP-MHP Government is getting reckless enough to attack our basic rights. While announcing Human's Rights Action Plans, trying to look cute to the EU, the goverment is withdrawing from an interntional convention that protects women, which they have been bragging about being the first signatory, crushing democracy and human rights. It shouldn't be too hard to predict the consequences of this. This will neither turn the economy to normal not gets Turkey closed to being a member of the European Union. We will not allow Erdoğan to drag the country into a swamp."
Underlining that the women will not allow their achievements to be usurped, Uca continued as follows: "I don't know which sects, which sheikhs the AKP has submitted to, or which political party it has made an agreement with. If this is an election move, the AKP government is trying to make up its electorate from misogynists and murderers. Apart from these, I don't think anyone with a conscience will vote for a party that makes women vulnerable to violence and murder. Statements were published by the PACE General Secretary, members, parliamentarians and many institutions via their websites, in the international press and social media. I also want to say this; we will never give up this fight. We will shout out from every platform we get. We will continue our work in every field with our diplomacy activities. This fascist government which tries to eliminate our rights with presedential decrees, is null and void as far as the women are concerned."
MA / Diren Yurtsever