Soldiers beat me and then shot me, says teenager shot by soldiers

  • actual
  • 15:40 12 February 2021
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VAN - A twenty-year-old was allegedly shot in the back by soldiers in Van. Mehmet Ali Nametoğulları reports on the army attack, in which he was heavily injured.
On 7 February, 20-year-old Mehmet Ali Nametoğulları was admitted to the intensive care unit of a hospital in Van with a gunshot wound in the back and traces of abuse. Apparently the young Kurd was attacked by soldiers. The incident occurred in the municipality of Arçak between the districts of Özalp and Ipekyolu. Despite his still life-threatening condition, he was interrogated in the hospital.
Being treated at the Yüzüncü Yıl University Dursun Odabaş Medical Center Cardiovascular Surgery (KVC) unit, Nametoğulları spoke to Mesopotamia Agency (MA).
Stating that he got out of the house Saturday morning (February 6) after recieving a call from his sister, Nametoğulları said: "She told me she was sick. Asked me to take her to the hospital. It was an urgent situation. I tried to get there from another road not to be stopped at the check point. I realized the gendermerie was following me. So I went into the village to hide. They approached me and told me to stop. They told me to lay on the ground and surrender. So I did. They shoot to rounds in the air. They insulted me and slapped me. They asked me why I ran. I told them it was the curfew and I didn't want to be fined. They shoot their gun at my waist. I don't remember the rest. I woke up at the ICU on monday evening."
Underlining that there is no justice in Turkey, Nametoğulları said: "There is injustice here. They could have stopped me without shooting me. I didn't resist. We always encounter such behavior as the people living in the east. I know I can't win if I sued them even under these conditions. I wouldn't have been shot in the first place if there were justice."