Women's call for January 9: We will never forgive

  • actual
  • 16:37 7 January 2021
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NEWS CENTER - Women’s movements and organisations called on everyone to join the demonstration in Paris on Saturday to commemorate Sakine Cansiz, Fidan Doğan and Leyla Şaylemez.

The French Kurdish Women's Movement (TJK-F), Femmes Solidaires, Marche Mondiale des Femmes, Réseau Féministe « Ruptures », Coordination Française pour le Lobby Européen des Femmes (CLEF), France-Kurdistan, Union des Femmes Socialistes (SKB) are among the women associations and groups that issued a statement to mark the 8th anniversary of the murder of Sakine Cansiz, Fidan Doğan and Leyla Şaylemez in Paris on 9 January 2013.
The three Kurdish women and activists were savagely executed in the heart of Paris in the premises of the Kurdistan Information Center by the Turkish secret service.
“Our anger and our pain are still strong. We condemn their assassination while renewing our protests against the French institutions and the successive governments which have still not acted to ensure that justice is done while the perpetrators and the sponsors are known,” says the statement.
Reminding that “for 6 years, the Kurdish people and their friends have been fighting for the truth to come out and for the role played by the Turkish government to come to light,” the statement adds that “France missed a crucial opportunity to finally try a political crime committed on its territory. We know that this murder and the impunity enjoyed by the murderer and still enjoyed by the perpetrators of the crime are attacks on the women’s struggle for freedom, equality, justice and democracy. We know that all violence against women is political and ideological.”
The statement adds: “Through Sakine, Rojbin and Leyla we commemorate all the women who were murdered from Dulcie September to Berta Caceres, to Marielle Franco.”
The statement ends with the call “on all women to participate to the great march against impunity and for justice to be finally served to Sakine, Rojbin and Leyla. The demonstration will be held on Saturday 9 January at Paris Gare du Nord.”
The first signatories of the joint statement are: the French Kurdish Women's Movement (TJK-F), Femmes Solidaires, Marche Mondiale des Femmes, Réseau Féministe « Ruptures », Coordination Française pour le Lobby Européen des Femmes (CLEF), France-Kurdistan, Union des Femmes Socialistes (SKB), Laurence Cohen-Sénatrice du Val de Marne et vice présidente de la délégation aux droits des femmes, Danielle Simonnet –Coordinatrice du Parti de Gauche, Halima MENHOUDJ-Adjointe au Maire en charge de la coopération décentralisée, de la solidarité internationale, Le collectif Libertaire Anti- Sexiste, Catherine Samary Féministe Altermondialiste, Fabienne Lefebvre- Conseillère municipale et territoriale de Vitry-sur-Seine, Crysis Caporal-élue Ecologiste Féministe, La Ligue des Femmes Iraniennes pour Démocratie (LFID), Collectif des Amazighs en France, Mouvement jeunes communistes de France (MJCF), La ligue des droits de l’homme(LDH).