Investigation against 4 journalists makes no headway for 90 days

  • actual
  • 16:36 7 January 2021
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VAN - The investigation launched against 4 journalists on grounds of breaking the story of two villagers thrown from a military helicopter left behind 90 days. The journalists stated that their imprisonment pending trial turned into a punishment by itself said: "Protect our profession!"

Mesopotamia Agency reporters Adnan Bilen and Cemil Uğur, Jinnews reporter Şehriban Abi and journalist Nazan Sala who broke the story about Osman Şiban and Servet Turgut, thrown from a military helicopter while they were detained by the soldiers, were detained with raids on their homes on October 6. Former newspaper distributers Şükran Erdem, Mikail Tunçdemir and Fehim Çetiner were also detained within the scope of the same investigation. On october 9, four journalists were arrested by the court while the former newspaper distributers were released. The court arrested the four journalists on ground of 'making news or interviews of social incidents against the state'. 
70 days after the arrest of the four journalists, our reporter Zeynep Durgut was taken into custody within the scope of the same imvestigation. Durgut was released with judicial control measures after 4 days of detention. Former newspaper distributer Ferdi Sertkal who was detained at the same time in a different city with Durgut was also released with judicial control measures. Despite the statements of Durgut and Sertal was added to the case file, the investigation is still not complete after 90 days.
All demands concerning the release of the journalists were rejected so far. An appeal was made to the Constitutional Court (AYM) lately. It was learned that the journalists whose statements were taken a few days ago regarding their status, were not released.
Lawyers informed that the indictment about the journalists will be completed and submitted to the court in the coming days.
Adnan Bilen and Cemil Uğur, journalists who have been detained for 90 days, once again called on all journalist organizations and non-governmental organizations to "protect the profession" with the message they sent from prison.
Journalist Adnan Bilen stated that the court will not be able to determine the way they practice their profession. Drawing attention to the fact that their imprisonment pending trial is a punishment by itself, Bilen said: "Every journalist writing the truth in this oppressive regime is our honour. No one can voer up the truth by arresting journalists. They don't want anyone opposing them, journalist, politician or anyone else. There will ofcourse be people who shout out the truth no matter what in these dark days. Covering up the truth have never worked through out the history and it never will. Therefore, we are standing tall and proud. It must be known that this is will be the trial of all free press employees and journalists. If we are convicted no journalist without a press card given by the government will be able to do their jobs. We call on to all press and media organizations to stand with us."
Journalist Cemil Uğur noted that their arrest was the result of a political decision and said: "In this country, the free press have never been given press cards by the government. As the free press workers that deliver the truth to the people, we know that these decisions aim to bury the truth. We know that they targeted Mesopotamia Agency. We will continue to protect the honour of our profession so that the public recieves true and accurate news."
MA / Müjdat Can