Police swoop on student protesting Bogazici University detentions

  • actual
  • 16:30 6 January 2021
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İSTANBUL - One of the students, Mısra Sapan, attending the press release held in İHD to protest the detentions of the Boğaziçi University students who were protesting the appointed rector Melih Bulu, was detained while she was leaving the İHD building.
University students continue to protest the detention of their friends who were strip searched at the police station. 
Some students who held a press release at the Human's Rights Association (İHD) about the strip search their friends subjected to, reacted to the situation. 
One of the students, Mısra Sapan who were detained yesterday and was strip searched, was detained again while she was leaving the İHD building after the press release. 
Anarchist Youth announced from their social media account that Sapan was detained, and said: "Today, a press conference was held at the İHD against the police raids and strip search under police custody. Our comrade Mısra Sapan, whose house was raided and searched by the police, read the statement. Our comrade was detained after the press release. "