Erdoğan is ruling Federated Kurdistan

  • actual
  • 10:52 14 December 2020
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İSTANBUL - Stating that the root of the problem in the Federated Kurdistan District is its relationship with Turkey, Kurdistan Free Society Movement Co-Vice Chair Runak Mecid said, "Erdoğan is ruling Federated Kurdistan.

Mass protests against the growing economic crisis continues in Federated Kurdistan Region. People taking to streets in Suleymaniyah, Kirkuk, Ranya, Germiyan, Kelar, Halabja, Sherazor and Duhok set fire to some offices of KDP, PUK and Goran Movement. 8 people lost their lives in the police interventions against these protests, while scores of people were injured. Curfews were declared in some cities and borders of some cities were closed to enterance, but the protests kept spreading.
Kurdistan Free Society Movement (Tevgera Azadi Komelgey Kurdistan) Co- Vice Chair Runak Mecid evaluated the developments in the region. Stating that the region has been ruled by the KDP for 29 years unsuccessfully, Mecid said  that there was both a political and an economic crisis. Noting that the people of the region have reached the point where they cannot make a living, Mecid said: "Life has stopped. Although people work, they cannot get their salaries. Even the decreasing salaries after 2014 are not given. Most of the people are unemployed. Especially youth unemployment reached very high levels in the country. Although young people have finished their school, they are looking for a job to work but can not find any."
Stating that the mass protests was an internal explosion, Mecid said most of the protests were in Suleymaniyah region. Noting that the protesters were subjected to violence, Mecid said: "The youth are being battered and detained. Many were arrested. 8 kids have lost their lives so far. There are around 60 people injured. But the protests continue anyway."
Emphasizing that most of the protesters are young, Mecid reminded of the protests back in 2011 and said: "Back then, some parties took the office taking the power of the people behind them and sold out the people. Now those parties made agreements with the KDP. Therefore, the youth does not want any parties. Because they know that those parties will use them. There is no unity among the protesters either. So they are not organized. Whenever they act in an organized way, then these protests can yield more results."
Stating that the protests have two basic demands, Mecid underlined that the first demand is the government to resign. Explaining that the current government is not able to rule the Federated Kurdistan Region, Mecid said: "And the youth sees this. This is why they demand a change. Their second demand is for their salaries to be paid. But the government responds to these democratic demands with arms. Especially in the district where KDP is a major force. The youth are being detained and arrested. This is how they try to silence the people."
Underlining that the root of all the problems in Federated Kurdistan Region is KDP's relationship with Turkey, Mecid said: "KDP does the samething AKP does in Turkey. Their management styles are similar to each other anyway. Despite all the protests, the Bashur government did not respond to the protesters. The Bashur government can easily agree with the Iraqi government and pay the people's salary. But Turkey doesn't allow this because of the 50 year oil agreement they made with the Iraqi government. The government officials went to Baghdad many times but couldn't reach an agreement so far."
MA/ Ferhat Çelik