Uca: They are trying to evacuate Shengal

  • actual
  • 11:15 10 December 2020
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DİYARBAKIR - Stating that the Shengal concept was developed after USA's attack attempts at Iran, HDP's Feleknas Uca said the region is sought to be evacuatedto create a new line to Baghdad.
The agreement signed between the Iraqi Central Government and the Federated Kurdistan Regional Government on October 9 caused reactions from the Kurds, especially the people of Shengal. With the agreement, the closure of the Êdzidî Public Security Centers and the transfer of more than 8 thousand military units to the city area were protested with the actions. As a matter of fact, as a result of the reactions, Iraqi officials had to meet with the Shengal Democratic Autonomous Council. During the meeting, an agreement was reached not to close the Êzidxan Asayishi centers in Shengal, Sinenasne and Xenasor.
Stating that the Êzidî were subjected to massacres through out their history, Uca said, the agreement will lead to other massacres. Uca said: "We have been following the Shengal issue for a while now. It is not a coincidence such an agreement was implemented at a time when the Yazidi people were establishing their unity, solving their own problems and ruling themselves. In the history, Êzidîs were always invaded and subjected to massacres. Despite all the violence, the Êzidî never bowed down. We know that this agreement will lead to other massacres. We will not accept this agreement. It is a clear example of the oppression policy against the Êzidî. They are trying to hand over Shengal to those who fleed and left the Êzidî to be slaughtered.
Uca emphasized that the Iraqi Government and the Government of the Federated Kurdistan Region have made great efforts to put the agreement into effect since November 9, but it has been suspended for now due to the developing reactions, and pointed out that the decisions were taken against the will of the Shengal people. Saying that the Êzidî people, who were left alone facing ISIS on their own, defended Shengal by paying a great price, but today, with this agreement, the supporters of Shengal are wanted to be removed from the region, Uca said, "The Southern Kurdistan Parliament should have also signed this agreement, but the KDP signed this agreement. The bomb was detonated in 2007 and many people were killed. The same things are wanted to be repeated today. Shengal is wanted to be evacuated."
Uca stated that in order to stop the agreement between the KDP and the Iraqi government completely, democratic protests should continue.
MA / Ergin Çağlar