Mother Kurkut: What kind of a justice is this?

  • actual
  • 11:16 19 November 2020
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MALATYA – Protesting the acquittal of her 22 year old son's murderer, a police officer, mother Sican Kurkut said: "Why can't we find justice, What kind of a justice is this, that a person who murder a 22 year old walks free?", and told that she will never accept the court decision.

Kemal Kurkut who was studying at İnönü University Music Department, was shot by the police, entering the Newroz Celebration area on March 21, 2017. Diyarbakır Governorate made a statement, saying that he was 'neutralized' because he was running towards the crowd with a knife in his hand, claiming he had a bomb in his bag.
However, 8 photos taken by Dihaber reporter Abdurrahman Gök proved that Kemal Kurkut was targeted and killed.
Following the release of these photos, Diyarbakır Chief Public Prosecutor's Office launched an investigation agains police officer Y.Ş with the accusaiton of 'killing with eventual intent'. 12th hearing of the case was held yesterday at Diyarbakır 7th High Criminal Court and the police officer was acquitted due to 'lack of concrete evidence'.
Family members foreseeing the outcome of the hearing, did not bring mother Sican Kurkut to the hearing.
We visited mother Sican Kurkut at her house in Malatya after the decision of acquittal. Mother Kurkut, who spoke at her son's bedroom she kept intact, retierated her pain and anger once more.
Everything he loved, his violin, his books, his shoes, computer and his backpack stays where he left in his bedroom. The only thing that changed since we came here after Kemal's murder, was the additional 13 photos of him on the walls.
Mother Kurkut who collapsed when she heard about the acquittal of her son's murderer, said: "What kind of a justice is this, what kind of a court is this, what kind of a judge is this? I didn't raise my son for that rat to kill!" 
Stating that his son was half naked and was targeted by the police when he was shot, mother Kurkut said she will never accept this decision and said: "They shot my son dead in the middle of the day, in the middle of the people. If he committed a crime, they should have detain him, arrest him. Burn in hell, why did you shoot him?" 
Stating that the fact that the killer is not punished makes everything harder for her, Kurkut said: "His father was dead. I raised him and his siblings in poverty. How can they kill a 22 year old young man and not be punished?"
Telling that she misses her son more with the passing years, mother Kurkut is concerned that the acquittal of the murderer of his son may lead to other murders by the police.
"These decisions encourage other cops to kill young people. They will think they can get away with it. I will never let this go", said mother Kurkut.
Defining her son as an emotional, harmless person, mother Kurkut said: "He was the kind of person that turns the other cheeck. He would say 'these people would not harm me'. He didn't know what kind of a person his killers were. He didn't think they were remoursless killers."
Reminding that dozens of young men and women are killed by the police just like her son, mother Kurkut asked, 'Why are they killing the youth for no reason? I am afraid Kemal's death was not the first, and it won't be the last.
Underlining that she expects everyone who loved her son to be with her in solidarity on the anniversary of his death, mother Kurkut said: "Don't leave us alone. I want everyone who loved him to be here with us on the anniversary of his death."
MA / Arjin Dilek Öncel – Mehmet Erol