Call to Kurdish forces: Our national duty is dialogue and alliance

  • actual
  • 14:32 12 November 2020
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İSTANBUL - Commenting on the tension raised among the Kurds by the hand of KDP, Peace Mothers Platform and some associations said: "We don't want war or brothers and sisters killing one another" and called for dialogue and alliance.
Peace Mothers Platform, East-Southeast Associations (DGD) Platform and Association of Religious Scholars (DAD) made a statement regarding the tension Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) in Federated Kurdistan District. 
In the statement focusing on the brotherhood and reconciliation, "We consider all conflicts, regardless of who's fighting who in all parts of Kurdistan as a fight between brothers and sisters. We will never condone Birakuji (fight between siblings).
The statement underlined that dialogue and alliance is the only way to solve the possible problems between Kurds.
The statement emphasized that the gains of the Kurds were gained at great costs and should be protected. The statement continued as follows: 
"To achieve freedom and to get rid of the servitude, to protect the Kurds and the Kurdistani values is our greatest national duty. In such a critical time in the Middle East, the Kurdish forces must establish its national unity. Why continue this dirty war the Kurds don't have anything to do with? The peoples of Kurdistan, their administrations and the press, using the language of national unity, should underline the genocide and servitude the peoples of Kurdistan have suffered from. Not doing this will only cause loss for the Kurds. We would like to remind once again that avoiding this responsibility will be a disaster.
Speaking after the statement, Bediha Gökyüzü from the Peace Mothers said: "Kurds under no circumstances shouldn't fight each other. As the mothers,  we implore you, don't shed your brother's blood. Don't let the enemy win."