Hico: Shengal will not go back to what it was before August 3

  • actual
  • 13:41 26 October 2020
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ŞENGAL- Stating that the people of Shengal will not accept an agreement that they are not in, and they will not go back to  Shengal before August 3, 2014 when they were betrayed, Riham Hico, the Co-chair of the Autonomous Administration Council, said: "No one can deprive us from our will and our ideals."

Reactions to the "agreement" reached between the Federal Kurdistan Region Government and the Iraqi Central Government regarding Shengal continue. Turkey is behind the agreement that is opposed by not only the Shengal Autonomous Council but also by the Turkmen and Arab tribes in Mosul.  Delegations consisting of the Shengal Autonomous Council and the city administration expressed their objections in their meetings with the representatives of the Iraqi Central Government.
Democratic Autonomous Administration Executive Council Co-chair Riham Hico, who met with the Iraqi Central Government and some institutions and representatives in Sulaimaniyah, reminded that both powers were in the city during the Shengal Edict, but left the Êzidîs to death. Emphasizing that those who are involved in the massacre of the Êzidî people do not have the right to speak about Shengal, Hico said that these people are trying to complete what ISIS left unfinished. Hico said that this plan not only includes the KDP and forces affiliated with the Iraqi government but also Turkey, US and United Nations. Hico stated that the agreement in question was realized under the supervision of these powers and that they would not accept this plan.
Pointing out that there have been talks between the KDP and the Iraqi Central Government for a long time, Hico said that they are following them closely. Hico said, "We knew that they wanted to make an agreement on Shengal. This was going on for a long time, but they could not agree on some issues. But they solved these problems with the participation of international powers. In this 'agreement' the Êzidî community has no participation in any way. Some people in the KDP also didn't know about it just like some forces affiliated with the Iraqi government did not know about it. Therefore, we do not accept this in any way. The  Êzidî people are taking action everywhere regarding the issue."
Expressing that they had negotiations with the Iraqi government on this issue, Hico said, "It is said that this agreement was made between the Iraqi Government and the Government of Southern Kurdistan. But many groups and forces affiliated with the Iraqi Government that we spoke to said they had no knowladge about it and they are equally uncomfortable with the agreement. And not only just them, some religious orders are also oppose this agreement. This agreement is an agreement made with letting no one on the table. The negotiations in Sulaymaniyah and Baghdad were within this framework. But both powers seek to represent the Êzidî. The society does not accept this. All segments we spoke to  showed a clear attitude towards the agreement. We offered the following as a demand. This agreement is not with the Southern Kurdistan administration. It had to be made between Baghdad and Shengal. Because it is about the Êzidî people. And we told that Shengal has to be autonomous to all parties involved. And they supported it.  We especially expressed this in Süleymaniye. It is said that the agreement was made with the southern government, but there is not only the KDP within the administration, but also the YNK among them. There are also many Kurdish political parties and forces. They don't say anything. They do not express their point of view. They don't say if they are partners or not. We had discussions on this subject as well. We said that their attitude should be clear. In addition to the YNK and Goran parties, many people came to the meeting. Only the Yekitî Party did not come to our meeting. Apart from that, we sat down and argued with many other Kurdish organizations." 
Expressing that they will not wait with their hands tied just like it happened in August 3, 2014 when ISIS attacked, told that they have a will. Stating that they will act with the own power of their peoples, Hico continued: "It is as if we are considered to be guilty for protecting ourselves during and after these attacks. They are questioning why we did not perish. Shengal will not go back to what it was before August 3. We want our autonomy. We are working on it.  We are ready for their conspiracies. We will either live freely in Shengal or we will die trying. We can't live the other way. No one can deprive us from our will and our ideals."
MA / Nazım Daştan