Barış: Planners of Shengal are Ankara and Arbil

  • actual
  • 13:39 16 October 2020
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İSTANBUL - Stating that the main planners of the "Shengal Agreement", which he describes as the "continuation of the 74th edict" are Ankara and Arbil, the Êzidî sociologist Azad Barış said: "The aim is to create an obstacle against the possible gains of the Êzidîs. The Êzidîs can come together and disrupt the deadly game."

Shengal, the homeland of Êzidîs who have been massacred 74 times throughout history, is once again on the agenda with the agreement signed between the Iraqi central government and the Federated Kurdistan Region Administration on October 9. According to the agreement made on the reconstruction, administration and security of Shengal, an independent person will be elected as the district governor and the elected person will not have any obstacles regarding the law. Shengal security area will also be affiliated with Baghdad, and Baghdad and Hewler will be acting in line, in administrative and service areas. Apart from this, all the remaining forces will be removed from the city.
However, the Shengal Autonomous Administration, which was formed by the people of the city after the genocide carried out by ISIS on 3 August 2014, declared that the decisions taken do not bind them and they don't recognize the decision. The people, including Arabs, Sunnis, Shiites, tribal leaders, religious scholars, representatives of political parties and non-governmental organizations, demonstrated their reactions with a march.
Again, the fact that the agreement was made on the 22nd anniversary of the day when PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan was brought to Turkey with an international conspiracy sparked up some questions, especially if Turkey had a part in it.
Êzidî sociologist Azad Barış answered the questions of the Mesopotamia Agency (MA) regarding the agreement. 
Evaluating the agreement between Baghdad and Arbil and if Turkey had a role in it, Barış said: "Although the agreement seems to have been signed between Baghdad and Arbil, the main planners of this agreement are Ankara and Arbil. Because, Ankara and Erbil wanted to finish the process very quickly in order to prevent the developing Shengal from gaining an autonomous structure within the Kurdish national unity. The backchannel of these two countries, and their open threats and military interventions gradually turned into an element of pressure of America on Iraqi Central Government, and eventually this agreement on Shengal was signed on October 9. Shengal have been a victim of Turkey's regional plans on demographic change and strategic pursue for grabbing a share on the territory not only today but through out history, especially the last 6 years. What happened in Shengal in the last 6 years is a result of this pursue. 
This agreement was emerged from the wishes of Turkey and the ultimate goal was to create an obstacle in front of the potential gains of the Êzidîs. This obstacle is an attempt that directly puts the existence and the security of the Êzidîs in question. The Southern Kurdistan government, especially the Kurdistan Democratic Party, was uncomfortable with the active existence of the Êzidîs, their self-defense efforts, politicization and enlightenment processes.  The rush to bring Shengal in such a hurry while the Kirkuk issue is still being discussed is an important indicator of this. Because both Arbil and Ankara do not want a Shengal built on its own power. In addition to the geo-strategic and political equations, the basic issue Ankara and Arbil agreed on must be looked for in Sunnism. It is an effort to not to tolerate Êzidîsm and to prevent them from gaining power. Or you can call it Ikhwanism or Salafism; this agreement is a continuation of the 74th edict."
Commenting on the fact that the Shengal Autonomous Administration was not included in the agreement and what it meant, Barış said: "The inclusion of the Shengal Autonomous Administration in this agreement involves a handicap in terms of the atmosphere on which the agreement is shaped. The main issue of this agreement is that it excluded all autonomous structures, especially the Shengal Autonomous Administration from the process and eventually eliminate them. This agreement contains the fatal blow that involves all Êzidîs. In other words, Shengal, which has suffered enough tragedy and pain for everyone, is once again the scene of a socio-cultural and ethnic-religious carnage. The self-defense forces in Shengal consist entirely of the Êzidis of the autochthonous community of the region. In other words, it is no different from Arbil and Suleymaniyah forces to defend themselves. With this agreement, the Êzidîs are absolutely marginalized, ignoring their own will, and seen as an invading community. Unfortunately, it is highly probable that a more dreadful edict will be the first thing that will occur if the sovereign self-defense powers dissolve and withdraw. History and the collective memory of Êzidî are full of examples of this.
Therefore, without discriminating the political views and ideological differences, all Êzidî forces must unite under a roof and create their own authority, being a subject starting from the base. This deadly game can only be disrupted like this. I believe without involving the Êzidî, no agreement is likely to be successful. 
Some of the so-called sheikhs or opinion leaders who were included in the agreement were included because they were completely controllable persons. However, the Êzidîs have movements, thinkers, political parties, military forces, and above all, people who do not leave the lands of Shengal. Without dealing with them and getting them involved in the process, this agreement is unlikely to be successful.
MA / Ferhat Çelik