Hatimoğulları meets farmers in Hatay 2024-07-29 16:17:18 HATAY - DEM Party Co-Chair Tülay Hatimoğulları met with farmers in Hatay, criticized the government's agricultural policies and said: "We have to overthrow all policies of this government."   People's Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) Co-Chair Tülay Hatimoğulları met with farmers in the Samandağ district of Hatay within the scope of the "Bread and Justice" campaign. Many farmers attended the meeting held in the Multi-Purpose Hall. Speaking at the meeting, Hatimoğulları stated that people have reached a point where they can no longer breathe due to the economic crisis. Stating that the purpose of the meeting program is to present a strong stance against the government's economic policies, Hatimoğulları stated that she aims to bring the program together with segments operating in all sectors. Stating that Turkey is an agricultural country, Hatimoğulları said: "Before the AKP came to power, Turkey was a self-sufficient country in agriculture. It was among the top nine countries that could export agricultural products. But now, with the wrong agricultural policies they are implementing - let's not even say wrong - with the policies they are implementing to knowingly end agriculture in the country and make us dependent on imports, our current situation is obvious. Now, farmers cannot produce. Why cannot farmers produce? Because with these implemented policies, they are saying to farmers: 'You plant, reap and make a living.' This is exactly the AKP's motto."    THE DEMANDS OF THE PEOPLE ARE LISTED   Emphasizing that the government, which calls itself "local and national", has turned the country into an importer of agricultural products, "One of the main reasons why farmers experience so many setbacks in production is the expensive prices of seeds, fertilizers, fuel oil, electricity and water. Today, producers in Turkey have reached a point where they cannot earn the expenses they put in while producing. Many producers have started to refrain from producing. Today, the State Hydraulic Works differs according to the provinces. It is true that they follow a different policy in each province. But the increase they put on water and irrigation water varies between 60 percent and 400 percent. The electricity used by farmers has been increased by 30 percent and above. The situation of citrus producers is obvious. We know that citrus production is especially in Hatay. But this earthquake affected us a lot in every respect" Hatimoğulları said.    'WE HAVE TO OVERTURN THE POLICIES OF THE GOVERNMENT'   Hatimoğulları, who stated that there was no one to work in citrus business in the city due to the migration brought by the earthquake, underlined that the number of farmers in the country exceeded 850 billion and said: "Agriculture is indispensable for the strengthening of this country's economy, for the livelihood of its citizens and for their hunger to be full. Our stance on agricultural policies as the DEM Party is very clear. First, we have to overthrow all the policies of this government."   Hatimoğulları stated that the government must provide support for diesel, electricity, irrigation and seeds and put an end to imported seeds. Hatimoğulları also touched on the increasing number of concrete plants and quarries in the Samandağ district, emphasized that the quarries established around Çayırlı village and the concrete plants established on the road threaten health with environmental pollution. Hatimoğulları said: "We are once again calling on the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization and the Governorship; This place here must absolutely be closed. If it is being moved to another place, it should be moved. If it is being moved to a place where there are no people, where there is no living space, that is their own business, but the people clearly do not want this concrete plant that spreads poison and disease in living spaces. I am calling on the authorities to take action on this issue."    'WE WILL SUCCEED TOGETHER'   Touching upon the hopelessness that the earthquake created on people, Hatimoğulları concluded his words as follows: "Despite all the destruction we experienced in the earthquake, despite the high poverty and the higher and deeper hunger we experienced after the earthquake, we hold on to life without losing hope. Even if they wanted to tear us away from our lands, or even used the earthquake to tear us away from our lands, we have never abandoned our lands, and we will not. As always, we are with agricultural producers. We are with you in every situation. We will succeed, we will overcome together."   After Hatimoğulları's speech, the problems and demands of the farmers were listened to.