After losing elections, he became lawyer for ATM workers 2024-07-08 09:55:25   ŞIRNEX - Ömer Yıldız, AKP's candidate for Cizîr, has filed 30 lawsuits against the municipality after the elections, taking on the role of lawyer for "cash machine employees".    The Peoples' Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) found that many people were irregularly hired by the trustee in Cizîr (Cizre) Municipality in Şirnex (Şırnak-Kurdistan), which it won in the March 31 local elections.  As a result of the investigation, the DEM Party administration determined that the trustee Nazlı Demir hired more than 100 people in the municipality shortly before the elections. In addition, many people were labeled as "cash machine employees". that there were irregular hires.    Ninety-two of the irregularly recruited people were dismissed. Some of them later took jobs at the District Governorship. Others started to sue the municipality in order to be reinstated.    Ömer Yıldız, the AKP's candidate for the March 31 elections in the municipality, has taken on the role of lawyer for the people suing the municipality. Yıldız has filed nearly 30 lawsuits against the municipality so far.    HE HAD FILED AN EXECUTION LAWSUIT FOR THE TRUSTEE   Yıldız had previously filed a writ of execution against the Cizîr Municipality, for 6,743 Liras to be collected by the trustee. Yıldız was also on the agenda with the fake license plates he used in his election campaigns and the election music he used without permission.   Yıldız had also obtained the personal data of low-income families registered with the Social Assistance and Solidarity Foundation and distributed election bribes to citizens with no financial means. It was revealed that Yıldız and his team deposited 2,500 Liras in the name of each woman during the election period.   MA / Ömer Akın