Journalist Aktaş: The regime change project in Syria collapsed

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  • 15:58 21 March 2020
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ADANA - Journalist Aktaş who stated that AKP being stuck in İdlib today is a result of its wrong Syria policy, said the 'regime change' project based on blobal agreement have collapsed.
The tension, which rose as a result of the attack that killed 36 Turkish soldiers by the Syrian regime forces supported by the Russia on 27 February in Idlib, decreased after a ceasefire agreement between the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin and AKP President Tayyip Erdogan in Moscow. Joint patrol had started on the M-4 highway.
The summit to be held on Idlib in İstanbul to be attended by Erdoğan, French President Emmanuel Macron, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and British Prime Minister Boris Johnson was cancelled and held via video conference due to the coronavirus (Covid- 19) outbreak.
Journalist Ferhat Aktaş evaluated the latest developments regarding Idlib which fell of the agenda due to the outbreak.
Aktaş, stating that the supplementary agreement in the framework of Soçi Agreement served the purpose of reducing the escalating military tension, said the conflictive situation between Russia and Turkey ended as a result of the agreement and the war was shelved.
Aktaş said: "During this period, the manipulative reasons inflated, the slogan like threats of the ruling partners and the policy of conquest opened up in a controlled manner that didn not match up with the facts, also did not have any tangible benefits for Ankara in the diplomatic field."
Aktaş stating that neither Russia, nor Iran, n or Syria Administration did not make any concessions to Turkey in terms of withdrawal, said it only worked for the termination of military activity at the contact line.
Aktaş said the situation of AKP being stuck in Idlib today is a result of their wrong policies in Syria from day one. Aktaş also added: ""Keeping in mind the great destruction caused by the Syrian war, we must say that the collapse of the" regime change "project imposed on the basis of the global consensus has shaken the balance of transcontinental powers. The imperial mind, which deepened the situation and assumed that it would solve the problem with the means of war, did not reach its goals and found the dynamics of national, social and regional resistance that became stronger in the face of it. We can not evaluate this general inference independent from the current developments in. Expanded BOP partners have lost the patrons of multinational predecessor organizations, western imperialists and regional collaborators who have laid their cards to this irrational solution. The imperial mind, which deepened the bleeding situation and assumed that it would solve the problem with the means of war, did not reach its goals and found the dynamics of national, social and regional resistance that became stronger in the face of it. When there was no "regime destruction" aimed in Syria with the proxy war, they started withdraw from the field one by one. We cannot evaluate the current developments in Idlib independently of this general inference."
MA / Hamdulah Kesen

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