HDP is ready for the great congress

  • actual
  • 16:36 22 February 2020
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ANKARA - Making a statement before the 4th Great Ordinary Congress of HDP, HDP Batman MP Mehmet Tiryaki, stating that all the preperations are complete, invited everyone to the congress. HDP sent invitations to all parties except AKP and MHP. 

HDP Batman MP Mehmet Tiryaki, stating that they are expecting at least 30 thousand people, said: "The police assured us that necessary measures will be taken regarding the security. 300 of our friends will also be on duty at the gates. The buses coming from outside the city will park lose to the hall. There will be a search in 3 check points with the attandance of our friends. We have no concerns about security.  Nobody will be able to enter the hall with suitcases and backpacks. Some of our friends coming from other cities are being prevented, we hope that this obstacle will not lead to their absence."
Saying that they expect 300 international participants from 23 countries on four continents, Tiryaki said: "We will have colorful, enthusiastic guests like HDP. We invited political parties, we did not invite AKP and MHP because they did not invite us to any of their programs."
Tiryaki said: "Generally the decisions are taken in congresses, but because we carried out a series of conferences beforehand, we will have a one day congress to announce these decisions to our delegates. The belief was that nothing will change in this country, but we showed that it will change. Our slogan in this congress will be 'Justice, equality and brotherhood."

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