CPJ: Turkey, China World's Biggest Jailers of Journalists

  • actual
  • 09:48 12 December 2019
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NEWS CENTER - "The reduced number of prisoners does not signal an improved situation for Turkey's media," according to the CPJ report.
The Committee to Protect Journalists has released its annual report on freedom of the press.
Accordingly, there are at least 250 journalists in jail around the world. This figure was 255 in 2018 while the highest number of journalists imprisoned in any year since CPJ began keeping track in the early 1990s is 273 in 2016.
After China, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt, the worst jailers are Eritrea, Vietnam, and Iran, the report noted.
The report said the following on freedom of the press in Turkey:
"This year's census marks the first time in four years that Turkey has not been the world's worst jailer, but the reduced number of prisoners does not signal an improved situation for the Turkish media.
"Rather, the fall to 47 journalists in jail from 68 last year reflects the successful efforts by the government of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan to stamp out independent reporting and criticism by closing down more than 100 news outlets and lodging terror-related charges against many of their staff.
"With the industry gutted by government shutdowns and takeovers, and scores of journalists in exile, jobless, or cowed into self-censorship, authorities on October 24 enacted a legislative package that granted new appeals on convictions for certain offenses -- including 'propaganda for a terrorist organization,' a favorite charge of prosecutors -- and shortened some pretrial detention periods."
"Dozens of journalists not currently jailed in Turkey are still facing trial or appeal and could yet be sentenced to prison, while others have been sentenced in absentia and face arrest if they return to the country.
"So many people in Turkey -- tens of thousands of military personnel, police, legislators, judges, and prosecutors as well as journalists, according to news reports - have been charged with crimes since a failed coup attempt in 2016 that what is left of law enforcement and the judiciary seem barely able to keep up.
"Since CPJ began keeping track of journalists in prison in the early 1990s, Turkey has frequently vied with China for the ignominious title of the world's worst jailer."

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