Intellectuals call for the hunger strike action: Let's not be onlookers to deaths

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  • 10:58 20 April 2019
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NEWS DESK - A group of intellectuals made a call for the hunger strikes initiated by Leyla Güven against the isolation in İmralı including Aydın Engin, Ziya Halis and Rıza Türmen.

"The hunger strike Deputy Leyla Güven initiated and thousands of political prisoners joined against isolation ahave reached a critical threshold, thousands of people on hunger strike is facing death of disability, 8 people have died with the same cause. We demand the government that is responsible for the lives of all citizens, especially from the ones in prisons to take immediate action to prevent more deaths.The solution is to approach all prisoners in terms of humans rights equally, fair and justifiable.
We are calling on to our people in prisons!
You have been heard. Our efforts to help make this heard to the public and the government continues. We are hopefully waiting for you to end your action before irrepairable losses occur and choose life.
We think that in these days where democracy as a whole is in risk of being terminated for good, hunger strikes can not reach its goal and every passing day can cause irrepairable damage.
The provocative environment, which is determined by the manipulation carried out by the government in order not to implement the will of the voters in the March 31st elections, pushes hunger strikes along with legal security. This requires the termination of hunger strikes and the execution of claims on different democratic grounds.
While we express our respect for the will of the people in hunger strikes, we believe that the calls and intencives that would lead to deaths and permanent disabilities while not serving substantiating any demand for rights are unrequited.
All the institutions, parties, persons and opinion leaders who can address the hunger strike; We urge everyone to do everything in their power to end the hunger strikes, to support life."
Abdulbaki Erdoğmuş , Abdullah Demirbaş, Ahmet Dindar, Ahmet Faruk Ünsal, Ali Bilge, Ali Haydar Konca, Arif Koçer, Aydın Engin,  Ayşe Erzan,  Ayşe Hür, Ayşe Sevin Kırıkoğlu, Ayşenur Aslan, Bahadır Altan, Bahri Bayram Belen, Baskın Oran, Berrin Sönmez, Burhan Sönmez, Celal Korkut Yıldırım, Cihangir İslam, Emine İnci İşbulur, Erdal Karayazgan, Erdoğan Aydın, Ergin Cinmen, Ersin Salman, Ertuğrul Yalçınbayır, Eşber Yağmurdereli, Fadıl Öztürk, Faik Bulut, Fatma Bostan Ünsal, Ferhat Tunç, Fikret Başkaya, Gençay Gürsoy, Gülseren Onanç, Gürhan Ertür, Hasan Cemal, Hasip Kaplan, Mebuse Tekay, Mehmet Bekaroğlu, Mehmet Rasgelener, Metin Yeğin, Nazar Büyüm, Nesrin Nas, Nesteren Davutoğlu, Neşe Erdilek, Nurcan Baysal, Nurten Ertuğrul, Orhan Alkaya, Orhan Silier, Oya Baydar, Rıza Türmen, Selim Ölçer, Sezgin Tanrıkulu, Suavi, Şanar Yurdatapan, Tarık Ziya Ekinci, Ufuk Uras, Viktorya Çiprut, Yasemin Bektaş, Zehra F. Kabasakal Arat, Zeki Kılıçaslan ve Ziya Halis

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