A friend of Beçet from her ward: She dreamt making history like Sema Yüce

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  • 11:23 25 March 2019
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DİYARBAKIR- Fatma Yürek who stayed in the same prison cell with Ayten Beşet who ended her life to protest the isolation on PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan for 4 years, said: "She had a bird-like spirit. Her dream was to make history like Sema Yüce."

Fatma Yürek who stayed in the same prison cell in Gebze Type M Women's Closed Prison  with Ayten Beçet who  ended her life to protest the isolation on PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan for 4 years, said Ayten had a free spirit just like a bird. Yürek who was arrested in 2011 with the accusation of 'being a member of an illegal organization', was released last July. Yürek told about her memories with Beçet.
Yürek who defined Beçet as 'full of life', said: "She was so young when she first came to the prison. She had a mature character with her laugh and her stance. Ayten was her struggle in the form of a person. Her dream was to make history like Sema Yünce. Words are not enough to define her."
Yürek said: "She wanted to be free and be a kite in the hands of a child and fly over Diyarbakır's castle walls. Her dream could not get true. She should have been buried in Diyarbakır. Not every person can do what she did. Therefore whatever I tell you about her would be incomplete.She was a 24 year old women who grew up with cruelty and migration. She was very atteched to life."
Yürek who mentioned Beçet's words in her letter saying 'This is the first time I feel this free to take a step' and said 'she is free now'.
Yürek who mentioned that she herself is a mother as well and that the demand of the prisoners should be met at once, said: "We don't want more coffins coming out of the prisons. Our children shouldn't die no more. Both the Kurdish people and the people of Turkey should act now. The Ministry of Justice must obey their own laws.  Recognize the Kurdish people, end the isolation!"

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