Brothers whose house was demolished during the curfews on hunger strike: Be our voices out there

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  • 10:04 14 March 2019
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ADANA- Furkan and Nurullah Uğur brothers whose house was demolished during the curfews in Şırnak and who was arrested on witness statements alone, said: "Make us be heard. Be our voices out there."

The hunger strike Democratic Society Congress (DTK) Co-chair Leyla Güven started in Diyarbakır Type E Closed Prison on November 8, with the demand of the termination of the isolation on PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan have left behind 127 days.While the hunger strike of the 331 prisoners who joined the hunger strike after Güven is on its 88th day. The hunger strike spreaded to all prisons on March 1.
20 year old Furkan and 19 year old Nurullah Uğur brothers who are in prison with their father Ramazan Uğur are on hunger strike. The family house of Uğur family who used to live in Dicle Neighborhood in Şırnak 3 years ago, during curfews, was demolished by the police. Furkan Uğur was arrested solely on witness statements and was put in Elazığ No 1 Closed Prison. Furkan Uğur was given life sentence with verious claims. Uğur is on hunger strike since February 21.
Father Ramazan Uğur was arrested 5 months later than his son Uğur again, solely on witness statements and was sent to Midyat Prison.  Nurullah Uğur went to Midyat Prison to visit his father and was taken under custody on witnesss statement and was arrested and put in Antep Type H Closed Prison. Nurullah Uğur is on hunger strike since February 20.
Uğur brothers called on to the society for public awareness and wanted them to be their voice outside.

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