QSD General Commander Ebdi: Front Battle is over, we have a new strategy to finish ISIS off

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  • 09:30 21 February 2019
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DÊRA ZOR- QSD General Commander Mazlum Ebdi who stated that the front battle against ISIS is over, said they have a new strategy to finish ISIS mentality and ideological structuring. Ebdi said: “We might accept the Safe Zone Project for the stability of the region, to securing the region from being open to attack especially by Turkey and for it being the decision owner of the forces in the area.”

ISIS which was included in the Syrian civil war around late 2013 by the support of international and regional forces, is living their final hours in Dêraz Zor, Hecin. ISIS who gained dominance the minute they were planted at the region, attacked Kobané where the Kurdish have lit the fire of revolution, but was overwhelmed by the historical resistance of People’s Defence Unit (YPG) and Women’s Defence Unit (YPJ) and lost. The presence of ISIS backed out from Girêspî, Eyn İsa, Hesekê, Minbic, Tabqa, Rakka and Dêra Zor, is now cornered in a 600-700 meter square area. Democratic Syrian Forces (QSD) General Commander Mazlum Ebdi who exhausted ISIS in 6 years in Syria, spoke to Mezopotamya Agency.
Ebdi who answered our questions in Hecin where the last few ISIS members stayed, assessed the struggle against ISIS, post ISIS plans, relations with international coalition, safe zone, Turkey’s current position and their dialogue with Syrian regime.
 What stage is the operation ‘Cizre Strom’ you are carrying out against ISIS in Dêra Zor?
We have been fiighting ISIS for 5 years now. Our first fight was on January 1, 2014 in Til Hemis. We have been fighting ever since. But today, we have reached the end of our fight against ISIS soldiers. They are cornered in a small are in Déra Zor, Baxoz. We are approaching with caution because they have some of our people as hostages and they are using civilians as a shield. Our warriors are now trying to free the hostages and save the civilians. ISIS is living through their final hours. There are hours, not days since they are finished for good.
Can we say that, ISIS that is finished corporally, is also finished ideologically?
 We can say that the front battle with ISIS is over with the village Bahox. Military presence of ISIS is now finishing. ISIS caliphate is defeated. But that does not mean that the organization is over. We have a new strategy for that.
ISIS is continuing their presence not only mentally and ideologically. They have a stealth military organization. We can say that the front battle is over with the Baxoz village. ISIS who have been challenging the world for 5 years have declared their caliphacy. They controlled a very large area. This ends today. They will be finished as a military today. ISIS calipachy is over. We have a two stage strategy. First strategy will kick in after their front line falls. There are thousands of ISIS members in North and East Syria Region. They are scattered around in the system of cells. They are still attacking the people in Euphrates River Valley, Habur Water Line, Iraq and Syria borders. Our priority is to conduct security operations in these areas. We will conduct these operations with the coalition forces. Not all our forces will join the operations but a great force will be joining.
Second stage takes more time. ISIS have formed a social basis in these areas. There are people attracted to the ISIS ideology. There are people carrying on works regarding organization. This is a larger struggle area. 
We will be working with all our might to secure a democratic society.
Some people thing that you started your struggle with ISIS. Can you talk about this process?
Ofcourse it did not start with our fight against them in Kobané. But ISIS attacked the Kurdish heavily. After attacking Şengal and Maxmur, they headed to Kobané. We fought a battle of defence. We fought firstly for our people, than for the defence of humanity. We fought this war for humanity. No one dared fighting ISIS. They brought the nations to their knees.  Syrian regime could not fight ISIS. They had an agreement amongst them. So was those who say they are against ISIS. The Republic of Turkey was ISIS.  They worked together. We fought a great battle with ISIS with our own power. We paid a great price in this war. Our people suffered. But as you can see, we are now at the last castle of ISIS. We're interviewing here. This is a success.
There are new balances trying to be formed in Syrian region after Rakka that ISIS declared caliphacy fell. That process brought USA to withdrawing their forces. In what stage are the new balances and USA’s attitude?
It was discussed in the coalition about how is the strategy going to be with fighting ISIS after Rakka. This plan was shared with us, as QSD.  We contributed in this plan. It was decided that the military struggle against ISIS must continue full force. It will be like that since 2020. In this bases, QSD and coalition had a partnership but later USA President Trump announced their withdrawal. This was an unexpected announcement for the other partners of the coalition. Even Pentagon and the military authorities here did not expect it. However this is an internal decision of USA. They will go through with it.  Some incidents occurred after this announcement. Turkey got excited. They are waiting for an opportunity to settle in the areas we have cleaned from ISIS. There are other international forces that wish to fill USA’s shoes. Syria is trying to get in as well without a negotiation. We are acting accordingly and trying to protect our people.
Is there a clear timetable for the US withdrawal?
USA can withdraw some of their forces after the front battle with ISIS is over. They can pull back some artillery. Coalition will reduce their forces in North and East Syria. But our plan against ISIS will continue.
There is no clear timetable yet. So far, there is no new decision. But after the frontline war against ISIS is over, the decision to withdraw will be put into practice. They'll reduce their power. In the coming days the US may pull back some forces. A part of heavy weapons can be pulled. The coalition will reduce its power in the North and East Syria. But the fight against ISIS will continue. The coalition forces that are in the frontlines against ISIS  and Turkey will remain. There's no decisions taken about  them. This assignment will continue as it is. This will be a situation that develops due to some political agreements and resolution of the Syrian crisis. In the coming days this timetable will  become clearer.
 Turkey had relations with you up to the ISIS’s Kobanê attack. Whatever happened, all relations were broken and the attack policy  followed up to the present day. What made Turkey do this? 
Turkey was hoping we'd be finished in Kobané. Turkey was the one who made ISIS attack us dais . At the time, relations with Turkey-ISIS was very good. All the border gates were open to them. Trade was done. Oil sales continued. To continue the relations with ISIS,  Turkey imposed  a condition to ISIS and demanded them to take the areas under YPG under control. The Kobanê war came out for this. If ISIS had taken Kobanê, they would also take the Cizîre region. Then Efrîn and Ezaz would be taken. It was an ISIS- Turkey  joint plan. At the time, Turkey was not in such an aggressive attitude towards us. Because they gave this task to ISIS. The main reason is that we have  defeated ISIS. None of their plans was successful. ISIS is over.
A second development occurred. Coalition used to back up other Syrian gangs with the hand of Turkey and ÖSO. But those gangs that are connected to Turkey was unsuccessful in Syria and failed  USA’s politics. They saw that they can not do anything to ISIS with them. Turkey could not play a role between the gangs and the coalition. Turkey and the coalition drifted apart on Syria.  Because Turkey could not carry out that task. When we became the only power in the field against ISIS, many forces contacted us, especially the US, France and Britain. When they saw that QSD was the only force that could fight  ISIS, they were on the field with QSD. This has revealed a new situation. Turkey was uncomfortable  and beyond their acceptance. They saw this as  a threat  to themselves. 80 percent of their perspective  was changed about  the QSD and its view of liberated areas. Today they are hostile. They want to do the same thing they did to Efrîn.
Turkey has entered the Syrian territory from Cerablus to Efrin. What does that mean fort he actors is the region?
It is a new scene. Turkey is a neighbouring country to Syria. Entering Syria means occupation. They occupied Alexandria before just like that. Now they want to control the areas they enter and rip them away from Syria. No Syrian patriot should accept that. They made agreements with Russia and Iran taking advantage of their weakness. No Syrian patriot should accept Turkey’s existence. I am sure our next biggest problem will be Turkey after defeating ISIS. This needs to be solved as well.
Is there a process to be initiated to remove Syria from Turkey immediately after the ISIS?
Astana and Soçi agreements were made between Turkey, Iran and Russia. They don’t operate beyond the other one’s knowledge. But neither Russia nor Iran accepted Turkey to remain in Syrian territory yet. It is a tactical issue between them and a matter of time. Iran’s , Russia’s and Syria’s removing Turkey from where they enter by applying pressure depends on their agreements.
 If w ego back to relations with USA, they are constantly trying to sit you and Turkey around a table. What is their intent? Under what criteria could you sit at a table with Turkey?
We can accept the Safe Zone Project to secure stability in the area and in order not to be open to attack by Turkey or other external powers and to make the forces in the area in a decision making status.
Turkey is a member of NATO.  And a strategic ally of USA. USA would not want to fight against Turkey for Syria. They would not want the contradiction to be deepened. They want to solve Turkey’s attacking to our areas via agreements. They prefer dialogue. We don’t have a problem with Turkey, They have a problem with us. Because they want to occupy here. In this juncture, after USA announced their withdrawal, Turkey’s attacks became more intense. Their attack at North and East Syria brings along other developments. It would have a reflection in the field. The relationship of USA and Russia would dramatically change. Safe Zone Project have come to life in this context.  We stated our conditions about this and told we agreed. What are our conditions? Stability in the region, not being open to attack by Turkey or other external forces, and being involved in the decision making process. But Turkey does not want that. They want to enter the region and make the decisions themselves. And that is not possible or acceptable for us and for the people living in the region.
Is there a case of clarity about the safe zone?
We are clear about this. It should not be open to any kind of attack. This place is part of Syria. The Syrians must be decide. In this way, we are stating that we are open to dialogue and relations.
 What stage are the relations of QSD and Turkey and what will it become in time?
 We haven’t attacked anyone in 8 years and that’s how it will be. It can be an acceptable framework if there is mutual respect and without extending hands to each other's lands. Other than that, we do not accept to be connected in any way.
Turkey never tells the truth. They are busy deceiving the public and the forces in which they have a relationship. They're trying to create a perception like we're attacking them. This is not true. We've been the ones being attacked until now. Every day we are the ones being killed at the border, not them. We see them as danger to ourselves. As a region, we do not pose any threat to them. We haven't attacked anyone in eight years and that’s how it is going to be. It can be an acceptable framework if there is mutual respect and without extending hands to each other's lands. Other than that, we do not accept to be connected in any way.
 On the other hand, you have negotiations with the Syrian regime. Many items were also mentioned. Is there any progress on this?
In this regard, our political administration has set a road map. He estipulate this to the public. Both the Damascus government, and the forces associated with the regime conveyed. Interviews continue. We want to have a solution with the Syrian regime. Damascus is the capital of Syria. North and East Syria are part of Syria. The solution will eventually be realized with Damascus.
In the articles, it was stated that QSD was part of the Syrian army. Is there a consensus in this article?
Of course, if this solution will develop, we have our demands. We've been in a great battle for 8 years. This should be in line with the demands of our peoples. As QSD we have a condition for the solution. The military file of North and East Syria must be held by the peoples of the region. The QSD must maintain its autonomy within the Syrian national army. We are not against Syrian national institutions. These include the military institutions.
As part of the many scenarios drawn everyone has an agenda from USA’s withdrawal to Turkey’s threats to Adana Agreement. What does this gain obtained with great costs evolve to?
In our opinion, this situation is very clear. The result was determined in the field. We have lost thousands of martyrs for 8 years. Our peoples suffered great pain. It was an invaluable effort. Not only the Kurdish people, but all the peoples of the region created this. We have the Arab people walking with us. Almost half of our military power is Arab, half is Kurdish, others are our peoples from other ethnicities.. These peoples will determine the future of the region. From the political to the military field they will clarify everything. This is our red line. There is nothing possible other than that.
MA / Nazım Daştan 

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