Hunger strikes expanding in prisons: 281 prisoners in indefinite non-rotating hunger strike

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  • 15:06 30 January 2019
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İSTANBUL- The indefinite non-rotating hunger strikes initiated for the termination of the isolation of PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan is expanding. 281 prisoners have joined the hunger strike Leyla Güven have initiated.
The hunger strike initiated by Democratic Society Congress (DTK)  Co-chair and People's Democratic Party (HDP) Hakkari Parliamentarian Leyla Güven with the demand of the termination of the isolation of PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan is in its 84th day.
The indefinite non-rotating hunger strike was initiated by Leyla Güven on November 8th in Diyarbakır Type E Closed Prison.
The names of the prisoners are as follows: 
Diyarbakır Type E Closed Prison: Leyla Güven
Gebze Women's Closed Prison : Hacer Halil Yusuf, Ruhşan Bozan, Özlem Özdemir, Ayten Gülsüm, Özlem Söyler. 
 Kandıra Type F No 1 Closed Prison: İbrahim Kaya, Umut Çamlıbel, Yusuf Başaran, Güven Süvarioğlu, Rıdvan Güven, Necla Atak.
Patnos Type L Closed Prison:   Mehmet Bozdağ, Atilla Coşkun Özer, Ömer Kabul, Abdullah Kızılkaya. 
Elazığ No 1 Supermax Closed Prison:  Metin Serhat, Harun Alkan, Musa Candemir.
Elazığ No 2 Supermax Closed Prison: Cengaver Aykul  (He was exiled from Patnos Prison to Elazığ after he started the hunger strike)
Diyarbakır Type D Closed Prison: Sercan Gümüş, Rıdvan Kaya, Nimetullah Cinkılıç, Hayati Üzmen, Cüneyt Aslan. 
Van Type F Closed Prison: Cihan Tamur, Barış Kahraman, Şahin Öncü, Azim Sökemen, Bahtiyar Kemal Hasan.
Diyarbakır Type E Closed Prison: Evin Kaya, Kibriye Evren, Hilal Ölmez.
Trabzon Beşikdüzü Type T Closed Prison: Ali Bektaş, Dilgeş Yaşar, Abdullah Aydın. 
Bakırköy Women's Closed Prison: Esma Başkale, Belgin Kanat, Zozan Kutum, Reyhan Coşmuşlu. 
Tekirdağ No 2 Type F Prison: Ahmet Osman, Seyhan Kurt, Yakup Kaymaz.
Kandıra Type F No 2 Closed Prison: Sadettin Yaşar, Turan Günana, Mesut Atış.
Edirne Type F Closed Prison:  Ramazan Çeper, Zerdeşt Oduncu, Adem Arslan. 
Beşikdüzü Type T Closed Prison: Özgür Gürbüz, Adem Öztürk, Cemal Narcı, İsmail Berkan, Hilmi Özsoy, Mazlum Özağar, Halil Temel. 
Burhaniye Type T Closed Prison: Figen Şahin, Emine Kılıç, Gülistan Tekin, Çiğdem Şakar. 
Ödemiş Type T Closed Prison: Uğur Çiçek, Abdurrahman Yılmaz, Mehmet Kaplan, Serhat Güzel.
Silivri No 9 Prison: Seyhan Çiçekli.
Silivri No 5 Prison: Zafer Sağlam, Abdulselam Akdoğan, Yusuf Bayram, Halil Ay, Şiyar Yıldırım, Hamza Doğrul.
Tekirdağ No 2 Type F Prison:  Serdar Şahin, Ahmet Sürme, Ümit Akgümüş, Ahmet Arif Yöyler, Roger Tirej Özalp.
Tekirdağ No 1 Type F Prison: Sinan Çelik, Rıdvan Turan, Burhan Barut, Erhan Aydın, Ali İlhan Bayer.
 İzmir (Aliağa- Şakran) No 2 Type T Closed Prison: Mehmet Durak, Tanju Yıldırım, Nihat Ekmez,  Yakup Güneş,  Ramazan Atalay.
 Şakran (İzmir) Women's Closed Prison: ahşan Aydın, Ebru Güden, Gülten Akgün.
Sincan Women's Closed Prison : Süheyla Taş, Zeliha Ustabaş, Saliha Taşkesen.
Kırıkkale Type F Closed Prison:  Sedat Alçiçek, İsa İpekli, Davud Önder, Emrah Ubiç, Kerem İmrak, İsmet Akın. 
Düzce Type T Closed Prison: Süleyman Benzer, Mehmet Erbey.
Kırıklar No 1 Type F Closed Prison: Erdal Polat, Abdullah Oral, Sami Öztürk.
Kırıklar No 2 Type F Closed Prison: Ozan Alpkaya, Halis Dağhan.
Bafra Type F Closed Prison: Abdullatif Teymur.
Elazığ No 2 Closed Prison: Ahmet Tekin, Serkan Eren, Yasin Güngör. 
Bursa Type H Closed Prison: Serhat Sezgin, Mithat Tunç, Salih Koyun, Metin Çakır, Hamdullah Acar, Ünal Özdağ, Mehmet Şirin Baycu, Ercan Gökçe, Sinan Gökçe, Süleyman Saydam, Mehmet Kılıç, Mehmet Yalçınkaya, Ersin Arıkan, Nurullah Yılmaz, İsmail Çetin.
Patnos Type L Closed Prison: Saliha Cebe, Dilan Barin.
Manisa Type T Prison: Şemsettin Erdem.
Alanya Type L Closed Prison: Mesut Canbey, Ramazan Sayan, Nevin Gökçe, Zelal Başboğa.
Bandırma No 1 Type T Closed Prison: Siraç Keskin, Abdullah Kaya, Agit Yılmaz, Engin Okutucu, Şeyhmus Can, Zinar Doğan. 
Bandırma No 2 Type T Closed Prison: Serdar Taşkın, Ekrem Gün, Mikail Mungan, İnan Söylemez, Sipan Karabulut. 
Balıkesir Kepsut Prison: Mazlum Cesur, Muhtesim Ertuğrul, Tarık Aliçi, Mehmet Aşkara. 
Kayseri Bünyan Type T No 2 Prison: Özkan Kart, Bülent Öztürk, M. Aydın Söğüt, M. Emin Akkuş, Emrullah Abay. 
Kayseri Women's Closed Prison: Berivan Bitmen, Maşallah Erbey, Merge Polat. 
ŞanlıUrfa No 2 Type T Prison: Uğur Toğyıldız, Selman Büyüktop, Ömer Kaya, Mahmut Öngör, Kemal Yiğit, Semra Akhan, Sabiha Ünder.
Elazığ Type F No 1 Prison: İsa Eşsiz, Murat Ergen, Ergül Tuncay. 
Silivri No 5 Prison: Edip Akyıldız, Cihan Demir, Hikmet Ölçer, İbrahim Özdaş, Hüseyin Yıldız. 
 Tarsus Type T No 1 Prison: Erdal Emeç, Fesih Tekin, Deniz Özdemir, Mehmet Fatih Bingöl, Serhat Yıldırım, Murat Karaaslan, Halef Yiğit. 
Diyarbakır Type T No 1 Prison: Fırat Ertunç, Recep Bal, Mazlum Dilek, Adnan Yiğittekin  and a prisoner called Faruk whose surname couldn't have learned.
Karabük Type T Closed Prison: Seyfettin Kurt, Murat Kozat, Ali Haydar Elyakut.
Bayburt Type T Women's Closed Prison: Delila Roj Ekmen, Fatma Yıldırım, Sevgi Aka Gündüz.
Tarsus Type T Women's Closed Prison: Dilan Yıldırım, Menal Temel, Nurşen Tekin, Hatice Kaymak. 
Tekirdağ Type F No 2 Prison: Mazlum Selçuk, İsmet Taş. 
Osmaniye Type T No 1 Prison: Hasan Alan, Mikail Pelit, Mehmet Kılıç, Zinar Demir, Oktay Gül, Hasan Muammer İbiş.  
Mardin Type M Closed Prison: Bayram Demirhan, Vedat Duyuş, Mahsun Şen, Zana Yılmaz, Şerif Demirtaş, Barış Akkuş, Birdal Abay. 
Adana Kürkçüler Type F Closed Prison: İnan Akın, Harun Kaya, Yusuf Budak.
Manisa Akhisar Type T Closed Prison: Bozan Açlan, Yorgun Bektaşoğlu, Metin Keleş. 
The names of two prisoners in Mardin couldn't have learned.
Samsun Vezirköprü Type M Closed Prison : 5 prisoners whose names couldn't have learned.
Maltepe Closed Prison: Ersan Nazlır, Cesim Yıldırım. 
ŞanlıUrfa No 1 Type T Prison: Sinan Çelik, Ali Erdem, Rıza Yüksekbağ, Muhammed İlgün, Enver Kanmaz.
Ceyhan Type M Closed Prison: Burhan Çelik, Şahin Tan
Bafra Type T Closed Prison: Kinyas Atiman, Sinan Salhan, Rıdvan Kılıç, Mehmet Sıddık Özbakış, Halit Çankaya, Abdullahtif Teymur. 
Bakırköy Closed Women's Prison: Nesrin Akgül, Gurbet Ektiren.
Kandıra  No 1 Type F Prison  : Sebahat Tuncel, Selma Irmak, 
Bakırköy Women's Closed Prison : Nesrin Akgül, Gurbet Ektiren,
Bolu Type F Prison: Ahmet Emin Eren, Hayri Demir, Hüseyin Barsak, Selami Kılıçaslan, İsmail Kocaman, 
Bursa Type E Prison: Mithat Tunç, Metin Çakır, Sinan Gökçe, Nurullah Yılmaz, 
Şırnak Type T Prison: Hakan Kutluk, Agit Bilik, Osman Beytur, 
Tarsus No 3 Type T Prison : Cevzet Derez, Suat Uğur,  
Patnos Type L Prison: Veli Cindal, Emre Yalçın, 
Balıkesir Kepsut Type L Prison: Mazlum Cesur, Muhtesim Ertuğrul, Tarık Alıcı, Mehmet Aşkara, 
Burhaniye Type D Prison: Hüseyin Duman, Ali İhsan Dost, 
Bayburt Type M Closed Prison: Zeynep Topçu, Tuğba Can, Serfiraz Demirer,
Şakran No 1 Type T Prison: İlhami Çınar, Engin Ulugana, Serbülent Yaman, 
Şakran No 3 Type T Prison: Faik Kımış, İsmail Genç, Mehmet Ümit, Suat Gürbüz, Uğur Ataman, 
Şakran No 4 Type T Prison: Serkan Şahin, Murat Devran Makas, Enver Ahmet, Abdullah Gür, Barış Önen, Mehmet Emin Dağ, Yasin Aka, 
Maltepe No 2 Type L Prison: Velat Kazanççi, Uğur Onur, 
Kayseri Women's Prison: Sinem Oğuz, Yazgül Şahin, Yaprak Taşçı, 
Gaziantep Type L Prison: Abdullah Kurt, Uğur Coşar, Şaban Yener. 

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